Secrets and Lies Chapter 4

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Anna was still in the operating theatre when he arrived there.

"How long is it going to take?" he asked the nurse.  "How's it going?"

"I'm afraid I don't know.  It all depends on what the doctors find when they operate.  It does look quite serious at the moment I'm afraid," she told him as gently as she could.

Jason felt his knees go weak and he sat down heavily in a chair.

"What about the baby?  She's six, nearly seven months pregnant.  The baby's going to be ok isn't it?"

"We're doing all we can to help them both at the moment.  There's always a chance that it will be ok, but I can't make any promises on that one I'm afraid."

Jason hung his head, his eyes filling with tears.  They had to be alright, they just had to be.

"I'll keep you informed as soon as there is anything to tell," the nurse told him as she headed back to the recovery room.

How long he sat there he didn't know.  Time became meaningless.  His phone rang in his pocket and as he answered it he noticed Gary's name in the caller display.

"Where the hell are you Jay?"  Gary demanded.  "You've not forgotten we have a meeting have you?"

"God Gary, I'm sorry I had.  Anna's been in an accident.  She's badly hurt, they're operating on her now," he told him, his voice shaking with emotion.  "I'm scared Gaz.  We could lose the baby."

"Where are you?  We're coming over," Gary told him.  "You shouldn't be on your own."

Jason told him which hospital he was at and within half an hour, both Gary and Mark were running down the corridor to join him.

"Any news mate?" asked Gary giving Jason a hug as they met up.

"Yeah how's she doing?" Mark asked him anxiously.  "Is she still in there?"

"I don't know, they've told me nothing.  I'm going crazy here.  Wish someone would just come out and say something, anything, that'd be better than fuck all," Jason muttered grimly.

"I'm sure they'll tell you as soon as there is something to tell," Gary tried to reassure him.  "I rang Sandy as we were coming over and she'd just met up with Chris.  They're on their way too, I couldn't put them off.  Is that ok mate?"

Jason nodded, not really hearing him.  He wanted so much to hear that Anna and the baby were going to be ok.  If they weren't, it would be his punishment for behaving as he had done.  He shook his head trying to rid himself of the thought.  Thank God he hadn't ignored the phone call, that he had picked up.

The door to the operating theatre opened and the same nurse appeared again.

Jason stood immediately, Gary and Mark doing the same as she came over to them.

"We have to perform an emergency section Jason," she told him calmly.  "The baby is in distress because of the injuries Anna sustained.  We need to have your consent to do it."

Jason's face blanched at her words.  He blinked hard and then followed her to sign the consent forms.

"Thank you," said the nurse as she picked up the forms and hurried back inside.  "I'll be out as soon as I can to let you know how they are."

Gary took hold of his arm and guided him back to his seat as Mark appeared with coffee for them all.

Jason leaned forward, burying his face in his hands.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now