Secrets and Lies Chapter 10

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Howard kept trying Anna's number for the rest of the day and the day after, but with no luck.  He wanted to ask Jason so many things, but knew that it was not that easy.

"Have you heard anything from Anna?" he asked him the following day, Sunday, trying not to sound too impatient.  "I'd like to fix up a time with her to see Maisie once we get back.  Get some regular contact with her sorted out.  Maybe she'll be different about seeing me now.  At least I hope she will."

"No, nothing," Jason answered.  "I think she's ignoring my calls or she's too busy working on the case she had to go back for.  Either way, I don't think I'm going to speak to her until we get back to Manchester tomorrow dinnertime.  You'll have to ask her about Maisie.  She does ask about you from time to time, so maybe you can start again with her."

"He doesn't sound too concerned does he?" Catherine remarked as Jason walked away to chat to Chris.  "He still looks as if he's enjoying himself despite having been left alone this weekend."

Jason and Chris seemed to be deep in conversation, sitting by themselves in a corner of the bar having a drink after dinner.  Howard thought that they looked as if they were getting on well, laughing and joking with each other for most of the evening.  Jason looked as if he were hiding his disappointment over Anna being called back to Manchester.

Howard was up early the next morning, unable to sleep.  His mind was filled with the possibility of seeing Anna and Maisie that day once he got back home.  He still hadn't been able to get in touch with her, and was thinking of going to the house to see them.  They would be able to chat then.

He'd been down to have a walk around the gardens and was on his way back to his room when he almost walked straight into Jason as he was leaving Chris' room. If he didn't know better, he'd say he'd spent the night with her.

"I've got to go back and shower and change," Jason was telling her as he backed away around the corner to avoid them seeing him.  "I'll see you down at breakfast in half an hour.  Ok?"  he said as he kissed her goodbye.

"Remember your promise," Chris reminded him.  "You have to tell her soon Jason, or I will.  I can't hang around waiting for you to decide when it's the right time any more."

"Ok, ok.  I told you I will.  And I will.  Especially now," he told her softly, reaching out and stroking her stomach gently.  "It will soon be sorted."  He kissed her again and began to walk down the corridor towards Howard.

As he turned the corner, Jason collided with Howard.  

"What's going on Jason?" Howard asked him angrily.  "Seems early to be paying visits to Chris' room.  You've not been with her all night have you?"

"What's it got to do with you if I have?" smirked Jason.  "It's none of your business," he told him trying to pass by him.  Howard stepped to the side and blocked his way.

"I'll tell you what it's got to do with me Jay mate, I don't want to see Anna getting hurt."

"Huh, why?  You got sole rights to do that have you?  You come back after  twelve months and start telling me what to do about my relationship?  You?  Keep out of it Dougie.  I'll sort it all out."

"You'd better sort it out and soon.  Tell her or I will." Howard glowered at him as he grinned and carried on down the corridor to the lift.  "I mean it Jay," he called after him.  "I'll tell her about you and Chris if you don't."

Howard carried on back to his room and packed his things ready to check out.  He was fuming over what Jason was planning.  After all his talk of treating Anna right, he was going to leave her for Chris.  He sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his hand through his hair.  Once again Anna was going to suffer because of the way a man who supposedly loved her, treated her.  He knew he'd been guilty of doing that so many times in the past.  If he hadn't done the things he had, she'd still be with him now.  He sighed and got up from the bed, going to the phone and ringing Catherine.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now