Secrets and Lies Chapter 9

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Jason, Gary, Mark and Howard had been up late the night that Anna had left the hotel, laughing and talking until the early hours of the morning, the girls having long since abandoned them and gone to bed.  It felt right the four of them being together again and they were soon coming up with all kinds of plans and ideas for what they wanted to do next.  Sparking off each other as always.

It had been past three when they had all stumbled off to bed that night.  By that time Anna was back home in Manchester.

Waving goodnight to a giggling Mark, Jason quietly opened the door to their room, doing his best not to disturb her.  When he reached the bed he realised that it was empty and looked towards the bathroom, thinking that Anna was in there.

He went and knocked gently on the door, calling her name as he did so.  When there was no reply, he opened it slightly then realised that it too was empty.  Anxious now, he turned on the light and saw the note that she had left for him.  He read it and angrily crumpled it in his fist, throwing it into the bin.  He took out his phone and punched in a message to her.

" You are pushing your luck.  We'll talk when I get back.  J."

Pressing the button he sent it then sat on the bed, his head in his hands.  This was not going as he had hoped.  

He turned his head and looked at the clock.  It was really late now.  Far too late to go and pay a call on anyone else.  Like Chris.  He sighed and lay back on the bed, his arms behind his head.  He felt so confused.  He loved them both, but knew that he would only ever be second best for Anna.  She was still in love with Howard.  He knew that.  Her reaction that night when she had seen Catherine, had been written all over her face.   She had felt it so keenly, she'd been unable to hide it.   He'd known all along that she'd react like that when she saw Howard again.  But Catherine had been a big surprise for all of them, most of all for Anna.  He'd felt so sorry for her.  It was a lucky escape for her that she was needed back in Manchester.  She wouldn't have to face them again the next morning.

It was late when they all finally met up again at breakfast time, almost half past eleven.  Jason had been the first in the dining room, unable to sleep as he'd pondered what to do about Anna and Chris.

Eventually, they had all gathered together and he explained to them that Anna had been called back home to deal with the case she was working on.  The girls were really disappointed to hear this, as they'd been looking forward to spending some time all together.  Catherine too had been sad to hear that she was no longer with them.

"Pity, I would have liked to have had a good chat with her," she said, looking at Howard.  "Maybe I'll get the chance when we get back to Manchester."

"Yeah maybe you will," agreed Jason, wondering how Anna would like that.

Howard remained quiet, saying nothing, deep in thought.

The girls decided to have a day pampering themselves while the guys held a couple of meetings with their management who had come down for the day.  They wanted to run a few ideas past them, gauge their thoughts on a couple of proposals that had been put to them.  By the end of the morning they already had a couple of things lined up to do in the next couple of weeks.

Jason and Mark wandered off, having decided to explore the hotel and grounds, leaving Gary and Howard sitting with coffees.

"Pity Anna had to go back to Manchester like that," said Gary casually as he took a sip from his cup.  "Sandy had been planning all kinds of things for them over this weekend."

"Yeah," agreed Howard.  "Catherine had been the same.  She told me that she wanted to get to know Anna this weekend.  Looks like she'll have to wait until we get home now."

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now