Secrets and Lies Chapter 14

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(Just let you know that all the place names in this chapter are real and are north of Sydney in Australia!  Can check it out if you like!

As they checked out of the hotel the following morning and got into the taxi they had ordered, Anna felt that maybe now her life could start to change.  She was so far away, maybe now she could start to really get over him.  A thought suddenly came to her.

"From now on Amy, I'll use my old name.  New start and different name from now on.  So in future I'll be Anna Jordan.  Being a Donald hasn't made my life easy, so it can't really get much worse now can it," she smiled at her.

"If it helps you, then give it a try.  Like you say, things can't get much worse," Amy agreed, "Or maybe we shouldn't tempt fate eh?"

The taxi headed out of the centre of Sydney, crossing various bridges, giving them a breathtaking views of the sea and harbour.  As they drove along, Anna spotted signposts to a place called Manly.

Anna smiled to herself.  'Typical!  I'm trying to forget about one and I'm being reminded about him already.'

The taxi continued on its way, through Manly and its outskirts to Curl Curl.  Anna groaned at the sight of the next lot of signs as Amy began to giggle in the front of the taxi.  Finally after passing through North Curl Curl, they reached their destination.  Eddie's hotel, The Lagoon,  stood on The Strand at the corner of Howard Avenue!  Anna shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.  It wasn't going to be as easy as she thought to forget him with so many reminders around.

Paying the taxi driver, they picked up their luggage and stepped into the hotel.  Eddie was waiting for them at the reception and shook hands with them warmly.  There was a lot of activity going on as displays for a charity concert were being put up and banners advertising it were being pinned to the notice board.  The old ads for the DJ who had just left, being disposed of by one of the barmaids, Gemma.

Eddie took them through into his office behind the reception desk and asked them to sit down.

"The jobs won't be for long," he told them straight away, "Just until the start of 2011.  Once everyone is back after the holidays, we won't be as busy.  But we could use all the help we can get at the moment."

Both Amy and Anna had worked in pubs and restaurants in the past and this in part helped them to get the jobs.  It happened that he needed help in the restaurant as well as in the pub and luckily the hours he needed them were at different times of the day.  So when Anna was working, Amy would be able to look after Poppy and Matthew and when her shift finished, Amy's would begin.

"Sounds perfect to me," beamed Anna.  "What do you think Amy?"

"Yes," agreed Amy.  "Think we'll be able to manage that."

Eddie looked at the two children and grinned at them.  They reminded him of his own grandchildren, who he didn't see enough of.  They were such good looking kids he thought to himself.

"This must be your lucky day today girls," he told them.  "I've got some beach huts that staff can use.  One's vacant at the moment.  There's two bedrooms, kitchen diner, bathroom.  Very basic but clean.  You're welcome to use it if you like. "

"Even better," grinned Amy as he led the way from the hotel.  

The huts were on the edge of the beach, all painted white with brightly coloured doors.  At the front of each of them was a railed veranda, perfect for sitting and watching the sun go down, thought Anna as Eddie led them to the end one.

"Here we are ladies!" he told them as he unlocked the door, then gave them the key.  "Make yourselves at home then come up to the hotel.  We'll get you something to eat when you're ready.  You can start your shifts tomorrow."

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now