Secrets and Lies Chapter 11

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Jason and Chris went to her flat first, dropping off her case and then she joined him in his car.

"No time like the present," she whispered to him as she fastened her seat belt and they set off for Jason's house.  

"At least if we tell her together, it shouldn't be as bad," said Chris nervously.  Despite her determination to come clean to Anna about her and Jason's relationship, she wasn't all that eager to actually do it.  She remembered how she'd felt when Anna and Jason had first got together all those months ago.  How it had felt like it was the end of her world as well as the end of her oldest friendship.

She ran a hand over her stomach.  They had just found out about her pregnancy.  She had suspected something for the last week or so and had decided to take a test that weekend, when Jason would be with her.  This was something else she was afraid about revealing to Anna.  Especially now that the doctors had warned her there was a good chance that she may not now be able to have any more children as a result of the injuries she received in the accident.

She sighed heavily and ran her hand over Jason's thigh.  He linked his fingers through with hers and held her hand against his leg as he drove along back to the house.

Anna's car was parked up at the side of the house when they arrived, making them exchange puzzled glances.

"Come on then, lets get on with it," said Jason.  "Looks like she's in.  Didn't really expect her to be in seeing it's Monday.  I thought she'd be at work today."

Taking his case from the boot, he let himself into the entrance hall, Chris following him in and looking around.

"Anna!  I'm back!" he called out, placing his keys on the table in the hallway.  "Maisie!  Matt!"

There were no answers to his calls.  Neither child came dashing to greet him as they usually would.

"Maybe they're out the back and not heard me," he muttered out loud to Chris.  They walked down the hallway to the kitchen and looked out of the window into the garden.  It was empty, as was the playroom and the conservatory.

Taking out his phone he rang first Anna's number and then Amy's.  Neither were answered.  

By now he was becoming concerned and started to make his way upstairs to the bedrooms, still calling out their names, still not being answered.  He pushed open the door to his and Anna's room, the wardrobe doors standing open.  He felt the blood drain from his face as he saw the empty hangers.  He turned to the chest of drawers, finding each drawer either empty or depleted.  He shook his head and dashed to the children's rooms, their wardrobes telling the same story as did Amy's.  

Chris appeared at the top of the stairs, watching with mounting anxiety as he dashed from room to room.  Slowly he walked back to his own room, his legs feeling heavy.  He sat down on the bed as Chris joined him.  She glanced at the pillow and saw the note that Anna had left two days before.

Silently she handed it to him and watched him as he read what she had written.

Dear Jason,

There is no easy way to say this, but I've decided to leave.  After seeing Howard today, I've realised that I'm still in love with him.  I can't love you the way that I love him.  You need to be free to find someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved.  I'm not that person.  

It seems that he has also found someone who makes him happy, Catherine.  I can't stay and see them together so I've decided to take the children and move as far away from you all as I can.  I'll be in touch to let you know that we're all safe.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now