Secrets and Lies Chapter 21

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Anna took a deep breath and rang the bell, smiling nervously at Howard.  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.

"We'll be fine, don't worry," he reassured her.  "I'm here for you."

The door was opened by Chris who looked in surprise at the sight of the two of them on the doorstep.

"Anna!" she gasped.  "You're back!  You should have let us know you were coming."

"Is Jason in?" asked Anna, "I need to speak to him," she said as she stepped past Chris and walked through into the hallway.  As she did, Chris looked at Howard who shook his head at her.  She knew then that Anna knew nothing about her and Jason.

"Oh er yes, come on through, we were just having a drink in the kitchen," she told her.  "Fancy one?" she asked her.

"Yes please," answered Anna as she took off her coat and placed it on the coatstand, Howard doing the same.

Jason turned around as Anna came into the kitchen, his eyes opening wide in surprise.

"Anna!" he cried as she came through.  He crossed the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her in a great bear hug.  "Where have you been?  We've all been so worried about you!  Have you brought the children with you?" he asked, looking behind her.

"No, no children, not this visit," she replied, smiling nervously at him.  "But Howard is with me."

"So I see," said Jason, nodding at Howard as he came into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. "When did you get back then?  Why didn't you ring and tell me you were on your way?"

"We got back yesterday.  We've spent most of our time since catching up on sleep," she told him.  "Jason, we need to talk."

"I suppose we do," agreed Jason.  "Why did you take off like that Anna?  Why couldn't you talk to me?"

"I had a lot to think about Jason.  I needed time away from everyone to think it all out for myself."

"And have you done that now?" he asked her.  "Do you still feel the same as you did when you wrote that note to me?"  He glanced over at Howard on the other side of the table.

"Yes Jason.  That hasn't changed.  I'm more sure than ever about that.  Both of us are," she told him, also looking at Howard.

"What she's trying to tell you Jason is that we're back together.  But I don't think that will surprise you will it?" Howard said, his arm going protectively around Anna's shoulders.

"No, it doesn't," agreed Jason, nodding.  "I suppose I've always known it would happen one day.  But finding out I wasn't Matthew's dad was something I didn't expect.  Why didn't you tell me about that Anna?  Didn't you think I should know?"  He watched her from across the table, his expression serious.  "I mean, I took it for granted that I was his dad.  You kept that quiet didn't you?"

Anna felt her cheeks warm up.  She pressed her lips together as she chose her words carefully.  She knew that Howard was finding it difficult to stay quiet.  She saw the muscle in his face twitch as he clenched his jaw, his hand tightened it's grip on her shoulder.

"I never thought that you weren't his father Jason.  Not until about six weeks ago.  I sent off to the university and got the results the same day that you told me Howard was coming home.  My head was buzzing with both lots of news.  I didn't do it on purpose.  Keep it from you.  I was scared of saying anything to you.  To both of you.  I never set out to deceive you, honest I didn't."

"You should have told me Anna.  Do you know what it was like to find out like I did?" he snapped angrily at her.  "First I read your note saying you were leaving me, then I found that."

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now