Secrets and Lies Chapter 12

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By the time Sandy came around to the house, Chris had almost managed to stop shaking.

Sandy hugged her as she came into the house, tears still rolling down her face.

"I'm so scared about what he'll do Sandy.  This news has hurt him so much on top of Anna just taking off to God knows where.  He must be thinking he'll never see her or the kids again...," she trailed off as she cried again.

"Hey come on, let me make us both a brew," said Sandy trying to soothe her.  She placed her arms around her shoulders and guided her to a chair at the kitchen table.

"It was awful Sandy.  I mean, we were both on edge when we got here, knowing what we had to tell Anna.  I'm not proud of what I've done, you know, going with Jason while he was still with her, but everyone knows that their relationship was on the rocks.  And I've loved him for such a long time.  Almost as long as she's loved Howard," she wiped her eyes with the tissue she was rolling up in her hand.  "Jason was so unhappy because she was still not over Howard.  I just wanted to cheer him up."

Sandy nodded sympathetically as Chris tried to tell her what had happened when they got to the house.

"We got closer than ever, and they were hardly talking. She was spending more and more time at the office and he just felt totally shut out.  When Howard went, it got even worse.  Then he found out about the baby and hoped that it would improve things, but it didn't.  At one point he was sure she was about to leave him, then the accident happened and they lost Thomas.  He was distraught after that, you know he was.  And Anna was so ill for a long time after it."  She cried softly and began to walk up and down the kitchen.

"What happened when you got back here this afternoon?" Sandy asked her.  "Was the house empty?  Where were Anna and the children?"

"They were gone.  Could have been gone for the last couple of days.  She's taken their clothes and left him a note saying she's left him.  She told him she had to get away especially now that Howard seemed to be so happy with Catherine."

"But Howard's not with Catherine!" said Sandy.  "They're not a couple, never have been"

"We know that but she doesn't.  We don't know where she's gone or when she's coming back if ever.  That was bad enough, but then he realised that her passport has gone and we found the letter upstairs."

"What letter?" asked Sandy.  "What did it say?"

"Hang on, I'll go and get it.  Then perhaps you'll understand why he's so angry, and I'm so scared."

Chris went and got the letter and gave it to Sandy to read.  She watched her eyes widen as she began to understand.

October 23rd 2010

Dear Mrs Donald,

Thank you for supplying the necessary samples to complete the tests for paternity of the two children, Maisie Donald and Matthew Paul Donald Orange.  Here are our results.

The samples proved that it is 99.9% certain that Anna Donald is the mother of Maisie Donald.  This is beyond any reasonable doubt.

The samples proved that it is 99.9% certain that Anna Donald is the mother of Matthew Paul Donald Orange.  This is beyond any reasonable doubt.

The samples proved that it is 99.9% certain that Maisie Donald and Matthew Paul Donald Orange are full siblings.  This is beyond any reasonable doubt.

The samples proved that it is 99.9% certain that Jason Thomas Orange is not the father of Maisie Donald.  This is beyond any reasonable doubt.

The samples proved that it is 99.9% certain that Jason Thomas Orange is not the father of Matthew Paul Donald Orange.  This is beyond any reasonable doubt.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now