Secrets and Lies Chapter 7

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As Jason and Chris disappeared up to her room in the lift, Anna joined Gary and Sandy at their table.

"Well, what do you think of your room?" asked Sandy as Anna sat down with them.

"Fabulous!" she answered.  "And the bathroom too!  I could get used to this!" she laughed.  "This weekend is going to be such a treat isn't it?"

"Well, we hope so," Gary smiled at her, noticing how she was constantly looking around her, trying to see who was in the reception area.  He knew that she was looking out for Howard and didn't know how to tell her that he had already arrived.  And wasn't alone.  He knew that she was going to be bitterly disappointed.  He knew he would have to say something to her, to warn her.    

He remembered how she had pleaded with him that afternoon at the hospital.  He knew that she was still in love with him and he'd hoped that Howard would still feel the same about her too.  What he had seen earlier that afternoon made him doubt it.  Gary felt so sorry for her, he had to do something to soften the blow for her, if such a thing could be made less painful.  He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Anna," he began, but she wasn't listening.  Instead she was waving and standing up again.

"Look who's here!" she exclaimed as Chloe and Mark arrived at the reception desk.  "Hey you two!" she called over to them, waving again as Chloe looked over and spotted them.

The three of them walked over to greet them, Anna giving Chloe a warm hug.

"How are you enjoying being a lady of leisure now?" she asked her as she kissed Mark on the cheek in greeting.

"Leisure?  You must be joking!   There's so much I want to do to get ready for when this one arrives!" she laughed, stroking her stomach.

"Huh, just rephrase that!" Mark interrupted her.  "So much you want who to do?  She's got a list as long as her arm that she wants me to do, is what she meant to say!"

"Sounds about right," Gary agreed.  "All the same these women!" he teased them.

"Hey, Mark, Chloe!" called Jason as he joined them.  "You're here!"

"Looks like it!" said Mark, rolling his eyes. "Got held up in a traffic jam.  There's always one isn't there?"

"Come on Mark, lets go and find our room so we can unpack," said Chloe, taking hold of his hand and pulling him towards the lift.  "You can compare tailbacks later!"

"Which room are you in?" asked Anna.  "We're in 207 and it's beautiful!"

"208," replied Mark looking at the keyfob.  "Neighbours eh?  Hope you'll keep the noise down later!" he grinned at them as he followed Chloe.  "See you all in a bit!"

The four of them went back to the table and ordered drinks.  As they waited, Anna continued to look around her.

"No sign of Howard then?" asked Jason, knowing that was what she wanted to ask.  All day she had been on edge, tetchy and he knew that he was the reason behind it.

"Yeah, he checked in about half an hour ago, just after you two went to your room," said Gary as Sandy looked at him nervously.  "He was shattered.  Gone to have a lie down for a while.  He'll join us for later for dinner."

"How was he?" asked Jason, looking at Gary over the rim of his glass as he sipped his mineral water.

"Great.  Looks really tanned and fit," Gary replied, wondering how he was going to explain what he and Sandy had seen to them, especially to Anna.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now