Tsunade Has A Daughter!!!! :Chapter 6

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"Make sure you don't forget this." Naruto said as he brought the cap's visor down on his left side as his visible right eye looked at Fugaku's broken mind. "Your biggest mistake was calling my line cursed and traitorous." Naruto muttered to himself.

"What have you done?!" Commissioner Uchiha Souzen yelled at Naruto as he looked at Fugaku's downed form.

"Kicked his ass is what I did I was hoping for was much better Dance ." Naruto said in a Stonic manner. "Remember what I told you? You can insult me, throw trash at me, hell you could even grow some balls and come at me with everything you have. But, if you ever insult or even dare to hurt my family, my friends and precious ones I will erase your existence from this planet. Besides, I went easy on him. I even gave him the chance to forfeit. But he didn't back down and , and well you know how that story went."

"Still, that was a bit brutal trapped his inside a horrible Gen-Justu." Sarutobi said as he lit his pipe. He could feel a major headache coming, no not right now. This boy would no doubt cause more trouble along the way because of his outspoken nature, and brash protectiveness towards the ones he holds precious. Just like Senju Hashirama often did when he was a child, Senju Tobirama had often told that the First Hokage's fierce nature to protect what was precious to him was one of his most deadliest traits. And now, this young man before him was showing the same tendencies.

"Come On Old man." Naruto said a bit as he put his hands on the back of his head. "But, Fugaku should've realized he had this coming to him. At least now he'll know never to talk all that hot shit in front of me and try to think he can get away with it."

"Geez Brat that was a bit overkill you used the one of the most powerful Gen-Justu on him" Kagami said.

"No not really." Naruto said as he coughed into his hand. "Overkill would be me resorting to making a thousand clones and each of them use the same technique followed by a barrage of Fire, Wind and Lighting Jutsu. And then I trap him in a Gen-Jutsu for hours while I slowly hack away his body with an axe and then bury his remains in a pile of steaming bullshit. That is overkill right there."

"You already did the Gen-Justu part Naruto "Said Kagami while smirking he knew that Naruto was a Good Shinobi but this conformed it.

"Remind me never to piss you off." Nawaki said with a deadpan expression.

"That was a very interesting match Naruto-San" said Tsuki Senju who stood behind Nawaki Senju who kept quite during the meeting and the match.

"I am sorry but I didn't recognize you but I think I have seen you somewhere before" Said Naruto while looking at Tsuki he thought that she looked like Tsunade but with blue eyes and light yellow hair.

"We haven't meet before Naruto-San where are my manners my name is Tsuku Senju the Daughter of Tsunade Senju you might have recognized me from my Mother we look like twins" Replied Tsuki Senju with a smile.

'WTH' Tsunade had a Daughter who was like her copy he could remember saying to Tsunade if she was younger or he was older he would date her but he didn't knew the Gods will actually listen to him. Tsunade was like his Mother figure who always supported him and was going to name him the Sixth Hokage after the war this was kinda weird for him because she treated him like her son but he was happy he could see her once again and start a new life he already killed Black Zetsu and Madara before before he could do anything.

"Its nice meeting you Tsuki-Chan but you and Tsunade-Sama do look like twins" Replied Naruto with a warm smile on his face.

"T-thank you Naruto - San" Said Tsuki while blushing. Nawaki saw the interaction and he wanted to step in as a over protective Uncle.

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