Chapter 1

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I had always strongly believed that a person's strongest muscle and worst enemy is its mind. A person can easily withstand the biggest of tragedy but can fall into the deepest trench of regret or self-pity, all with just one single thought.

Funny how our brain is our strongest support and worst possible enemy. I guess it all comes down to how you train it. "An open mind is a door to endless possibilities, you just have to broaden the door enough". My father often used to tell me.

Glancing at the side post beside me I heave out a sigh of relief, knowing I'm far enough to have some time for myself.

I don't usually go out for a walk, or more like can't go out for a walk without at least a dozen men hot on my trials. Sometimes it depends if they are a supporting party or the opposing one. Right now, I was quite surprised to find myself rather alone in these dark streets with no possible follower.

At least I'm alone, just like I wanted.

I know I shouldn't be out this late at night, especially alone without any of my men but I couldn't help it. I wanted some time alone for myself to gather my wandering thoughts. A rather tough task might I add.

Turning around I saw a faint shadow of a person who was not so quick enough to hide behind the large trash bin. Great, a girl can't even take a stroll now!

I wondered if it was a man from bts. Bts, a big known mafia in the city of Seoul. They were initially at the last to the point no one noticed their existence or at least not bothered to. I guess that's where we all did our first mistake. It was only a matter of a few months and I don't know how but they managed to be able to stand side by side with my gang, scarlet rose.

Scarlet rose, a gang officially founded by my great grandfather and was passed down from generation to generation all the while keeping their bloodline the same. Unfortunately, dad didn't have a son and as the eldest child the gang passed down to. I was the first female leader and though many weren't fond of following a woman's order they soon learned too after my enormous success. After all, I picked it up from third and brought it to first.

The gang had fallen to third place during my dad's time. Dad had trouble handling family and gang altogether at the same time, so it seemed quite predictable that something like this would happen. I'm surprised dad still kept the gang in the top three even after all the shit he went through. My family story is a long one but our relationship with bts was simple, rivals.

The reason for our rivalry goes way back ,but our rivalry has been going on for about four to five years. I personally though thought about why the gangs had to compete when they could join forces and run this city together. But sadly my mind changed after encountering a certain coconut head.

Never had I ever wished to put a bullet through someone's head this bad.

Trying not to give away the idea of me catching the guy I silently continued my walk but this time with all my senses on alert. As subtly as I could I slipped my hand inside my coat trying to find the pen that I desperately wanted.

Suddenly a hand pulled me into the side by alley and pinned me against the cold humid wall of the building. The figure gripped my hands tightly securing them above my head.

"Well well well, look who we have here." Struggling to get out of the person's grip a small chuckle escaped his rosy lips.

"Let go jeon." I sneered trying to break free.

"And why would I do that?" His voice held humor but I couldn't be sure of his face since it was quite dark. Well, its freaking one in the morning yn what do you expect!

"You either let go and I'll let you live or I free myself and kill you." I tried to sound as threatening as I could but I knew he wouldn't buy it. My suspicions were confirmed when he let out a brief laugh.

He slowly leaned as the near by street light finally fell on his face, making his stupid smirk visible. His hair was styled back with few strands falling on his forehead making him look exceptionally hot.

"You kill me? How are you gonna free yourself." Jungkooks other hand crawled to my waist as he starts closing the gap between us literally pinning me to wall.

"Why were you following me?" Jungkook asked, his smiling falling and a blank face on display. Bipolar much.

"I think it's the other way around. I was out for a peaceful walk that by the way is ruined now thanks to you, Mr.Jeon." I sassed back but his stone-cold expression remained.

"How delightful, I was gonna say the same thing."

"Haha, hilarious. Now let go." I tried to be nice because, in all honesty, I was in no mood for a fight.

Jungkook just made his grip tighter on   my waist pushing me against the wall fiercely.

Groaning I try to push back his hand by trying to move forward but he only tightened his grip on my wrists.

"Don't test me, Jeon. This is my last warning o-"

"Or what?" Jungkook cut in smiling at me. That's it! I had enough, I tried to be nice to this brute but he wasn't appreciating it.

Having enough of him I didn't give him a chance to react as I quickly pulled up my lower body, joined both my legs, and gave a hard kick to his abdomen.

He stumbled back and before he had enough time to register what happened I quickly swung my leg in his face knocking him down.

Mumbling he got onto his left knee while his right hand gripped his now bloody nose.

"Or this." I was too tired to deal with his bullshit so I turned around to leave. These were neutral grounds, no one was allowed to take life here unless they wanted the whole system on their back hunting down their every gang member unless you had a good reason, like he attacked first or I just defended myself. Besides I hadn't had a wink of sleep for the last fifty-two hours. I wanted some sleep in my system.

I had barely taken two steps forward when a harsh kick hit me on my back. This f***er was asking for it. Turning around just in time to catch his flying leg I gripped it tightly and pulled it towards me making him stumble towards me.

Grabbing his right arm, knowing well enough he won't be able to do shit with his left hand, I twisted it behind his back. Pulling out the gun from my waistband I pointed it at his head ready to shoot his brain out when a sudden all too familiar voice caught my attention.

Pushing the lame boy forward I followed the muffled voice being damn sure who it belonged to. Nearing the street light I ducked behind the large bin as I listened to the conversation between the two men.

"It's almost done. Venom will be back soon." The man with a grey sweatshirt groaned as James tried to grab his arm.

"How much f**king more James! We have to make it quick." The man shouted.

"I have to make sure yn doesn't suspect." James tried to reason, urgency evident in his tone.

What was he talking about? What don't I suspect?

"Contact Oliver. Ask about his progress in bts. They should never doubt us, got it!" James nodded his head eagerly to the unknown man.

Confused I slipped my hand into my pocket to ring for help just in case anything happened.

Now everything seemed more suspicious. Why was James here? Who was he talking to? Why shouldn't I suspect? WHAT shouldn't I suspect? What progress are they talking about?! And finally what the hell is venom?

Everything was messing my brain up!

All these questions rushed through my mind but before I could listen to the conversation any further or try to piece together an answer, something hard hit on the side of my forehead as I fell back into an unknown man's arm.

"Nighty night." The voice spoke. And just before I lose my consciousness, my hand gently pressed against the tip of the pen in my pocket. Alerting everyone about my whereabouts.

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