chapter 3

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"It won't take long. Five minutes max." Rm quickly spoke before I could say anything.

Although I wanted to leave so bad but seeing everyone's concerned and serious faces, somewhat I stopped and waited for him to speak up.

I sighed and tried to make myself comfortable in the chair but the tight ropes made me growl,"open this shi* up, I'll listen"

Everyone stared blankly at each others faces as if trying to decide whether to open me up or not. I guess I could've saved time by not saying that. I put my feet's up at edge of my chair and flipped over so now my hands were in front of me and easy to untie. Once I freed myself. I stood up and fixed myself. Everyone's amused gazes were fixed at me while shrugging it off I turned the chair back and sat opposite facing Rm.

"I don't have enough time so speak up already" I stated expressionless.
He blinked twice before finally uttering words to break the awkward silence,"basically......."


"Basically I think we are being pinned against each other." Rm voiced out his thoughts, simple, blunt and plain. Straight to the point, just how I liked it.

"And you honestly want me to believe that?" I scoffed, not trusting them one bit.

"For all I know this could all be a trap." I eyed the members distainfully.

Rm sighed loudly as suga visibly tensed. Guess I hit a nerve.

"You think we play dirty?!" Jimin sneered at me stepping forward but V grabbed him just in time.

"I don't know you tell me." I smirked seeing jimin getting pissed. Oh I loved to press his buttons. Wonder how long will he last before he bursts.

"We don't use backhand methods!" Jimin growled.

"Why should I believe you?" I smirked, clearly enjoying messing with him.

"Listen here you piece of trash I-"

"That's enough jimin!" Rm butted in giving the younger a pointed look. Guess he noticed my play. Damn it! I was having fun. At least I know now that shorty has anger issues.

"I don't know what your deal is but it's clear you won't believe us." Rm looked at me dead in the eye.

"Spot on." I rolled my eyes. I don't know what they did to make maddie and daph side with them but I was clearly not having this bullshit.

I mean does it make sense, a gang that was barely recognized was now well known and feared equally as my gang. If our gang wasn't in picture since ages im pretty sure they would've been the new hot topic with the title of "top feared and powerful gang in seoul" Im pretty sure that title still remain ours.

I would be damned if it wasn't considering we had more power compared to them. But that didn't mean they were complete weaklings either.

I know that if it came to a show down our gang would easily win. Perks of having more resources.

"Why don't you trust us?" Jhope whined as I raised my left eyebrow at his ridiculous question.

"Cause we are not exactly in best of terms at the moment." Maddie smiled.

Jhope face changed to a disappointed one but I didn't bothered with it.

"Well has it occured to you, we could've easily killed you if we wanted. Afterall it would've been an easy job with you knocked out and tied." Suga finally put in a word.

"Everyone knows, killing on neutral grounds is a death wish. Pretty sure your gang would've been long gone if you did that." Placing my cheek in the palm of my left hand I slightly leaned in to support my face.

"Your right, but we aren't exactly on neutral grounds at the moment. It's our territory." Jungkook looked at V who by the way had a smug expression on his way. Guess he was way too proud of his answer.

"But that would fall on you guys, kidnapping on neutral grounds. And then I was found dead. You don't think the system is as dumb as you." I fired back.

"We could've said that it was in self defense." Jimin shrugged.

"Again the system isn't dumb enough to not do its research." I smirked at him, finding it amusing how he was at loss of words. Gotcha.

"Your right, we couldn't get away with your death." Rm spoke with a gentle smile on his face. Confused at how easily they gave up I turned to face him.

"But we could've easily killed your two members who willingly walked into our territory." My brows jumped at his statement. Shit he has a point. I was to quick to think they would give up so easily.

"And to top it off, we could say they threatened us in our OWN territory. System can't really interfere in that now can they." His emphasis on the words 'our own' was too evident to miss.

"System only works for rules on neutral grounds." Suga smiled at me. It was more of a victory smile.

"I don't know. Seems like a pawn to me." I shrugged.

"Who's to say this all wasn't just a planned out trap you set. I mean, after all sparing two lives to take down a whole gang. Seems like a fair trade to me." Daphne gave me a look but I chose to ignore it. Wrong move.

"Besides who would even want us to pinned against each other? What would that person gain from this?" They all gave me a blank look.

"No answers I see." Everyone looked at each other hesitantly giving a confirmation of my statement.

I looked up to see daphne quietly studying the whole situation while maddie looking at V with a slight sparkle in her eyes. I smiled internally knowing well enough what was going through her head as her gaze remained fixed on the guy.

I wonder of someone else, someone besides me noticed.

Looking around the room once again, everyone was just looking down at the floor or out thw window.

Well clearly not.

"And finally, who would that person be? If you have answers to these Im willing to accept what you said was the truth."

Pin drop silence fell in the room. I waited a few seconds before I finally got up and made my way out of the room.

"Your making a mistake." Suga announced.

"Well, Im willing to pay the consequences then." I answered finally making my way out with Maddie and Daphne right behind me.

They were awfully quiet through this whole chit chat. That was weird. Normally they won't sit still.

I wonder if I made the right decision to not trust them. Afterall I once made the mistake to trust someone, and boy did I had to pay dearly for that.

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