Chapter 12

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"Nothing." Daphne forced a smile as she walked back to her room quietly. Her forced smile didn't quiet sit well with me.

"Rm would know." Maddie smiled at me as she walked off too. Probably to daphne.

"What's up?" I patiently wait for someone to speak but no one does. A not so very peaceful silence fell upon us.

No one dared to answer and I didn't knew why.


"Will someone tell me what's wrong?" I looked at everyone turn by turn but this silence was starting to piss me off.

"We brought up Daphne's past." Suga muttered as I let out a huge sigh. Oh god!

"Judging by your faces it doesn't look like you used it in a good way." Shaking my head I turned around to climb the stairs to talk to Daphne. Hopefully they didn't said something stupid.

"Daphne." Gently pushing the door I entered the room to see daphne sitting on the window sill as maddie stood besides her. Seeing me there maddie gave a nod before leaving us alone.

"Am I a heartless monster?" Oh no!


Everyone saw how maddie came out quietly and sat besides a sulking tae.

"I didn't-" Maddie immediately cut him of with a smile, assuring him it wasn't his fault.

"You shouldn't have done that Kim namjoon." Everyone got shocked hearing maddie say his original name.

"H-how do you-"

"Your not the only one who had done some research. We found venoms folder with every members past. We were just decent enough to not bring it up. I don't know, I guess we expected you to open to us." Maddie sighed, cutting of namjoon.

"Daphne did indeed kill a whole gang. That's her past that everyone knows. A partial reason why everyone feared her silence. No one knows what she's thinking. She could be planning to get rid of your cropse for all we know." Maddie begin.

This was it, maddie was finally opening up about her members past. If this was what it take to form a peaceful relation between the two gangs then maddie was willing to take the first step.

"Ever since she was young her parents abused her. Both physically and mentally. If she ever cried she would get endless hours of beating. They showed her no mercy what so at all.

When she was 15 years old, she joined a neighborhood gang in hopes to escape her abusive household. The place was no better. The gang barely had twenty members, she was trained to not show her emotions. Everytime she did a life was taken. That was a tad bit too harsh for a 15 year old. They believed that was the only way she could be strong. So that continued on for five years till yn found her.
That day she found out all her gang members were mostly rapists. Half of them were pedophiles too.

She couldn't just let them carry on with their unjust actions so she picked the gun, and shot for the first time in her life. She was covered in blood and wounds in an alley, yn saw her and approached her.

She offered her to join her gang but daphne had enough of gangs. She thought y/n's gang was no different. Yn assured her. Brought her in, took care of her. Since she had nowhere to go, yn let her stay. Daphne felt in debted to yn so she stayed. Years later she was like a sister." Maddie looked up at Rm.

"Daphne had struggled with her emotions ever since she was young. I wouldn't go into detail because this isn't my story. I told you enough to let you know, never judge someone based on their past. You never know what they're going through." Maddie gazed at the now guilty namjoon.

Placing her head on V's shoulder she sighed.

"We should get on with some work. We have to find something about venom." V nodded as everyone agreed.

Maddie and tae got up to leave but were stopped by Namjoons guilt filled voice.

"Im sorry."

"Im not the one you should be sorry to." Maddie walked away with tae tugging her hands towards the basement.


"No, your not. I don't know what they said to make you feel that way, but I can assure you no one thinks of you like that."

"They do." Daphne didn't looked at me. Perhaps still afraid of her emotions showing.

"I bet he just said that in the heat of the moment. He doesn't know the whole truth daphne." The moonlight slowly seeped through the window, lighting up the dark room.

"Even if he did. He wasn't lying. He's right. I'm just a freak." Hurt laced his voice. Which one of these idiots was it!

"Your not. You cared about me. You stayed by me. You helped me. You raised me! You helped maddie and me, if you were a freak you wouldn't have done all that. You would've just left. Countless times, you had my back. I know I can rely on you. I trust you with my life." Gently placing my hands on her shoulder I slightly forced her to face me.

Her eyes held unshed tears while her purple locks swayed with air making it impossible to see her quivering lips.

Pulling her in a hug I felt her tighten her grip around me as she let out a muffled sob.

"It's ok. Emotions makes us human. Emotions makes us real." I mumbled.

A creaking voice of the door made us break the hug. Daphne was quick to wipe her tears as she turned back to facing the window.

Rm stepped in hesitantly as he looked at me. So it was him. Have to say, he wasn't the least member I expected to do such a thing.

"I'll be back." I announced walking out of the room, knowing they needed closure and some time with each other.

Author POV

"Im sorry." Rm's voice sounded loud in this quiet room.

"You don't have to be. You just said the truth." Daphne mumbled, her voice still a bit shaken.

"No! What I said was a bunch of bullshit without even knowing the whole story." Rm blamed himself.

"Maddie told us. Well the major outline atleast." Rm spoke after he heard no reply from the sad girl.

"I- I'm really sorry. I just let my pent up anger out on you. That was unfair on my part and I apologise to hurt you. That wasn't my intention. Im such a d*ckhead." Rm mumbled the last part but seems like daphne heard it cause she let out a small giggle shortly after.

"It's ok." Daphne assured now finally smiling at him.

Rm heart skipped a beat, this was the first time he saw her smile. Not realizing he had copied her smile and was now standing right besides her, towering her frame, he bent down to daphne's level, she looked at him skeptically.

Not so after his lips landed on Daphne's. She was too shocked to even respond. As soon as his lips touched, they retreated back. Rm gave a warm smile to the flustered girl trying not to let his dirty thoughts get the best of him

"I promise, to not hurt you again. I promise to protect you always."

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