Chapter 15

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He let me go soon and faced me and sat down in front of me,"don't you think that way we won't really get to know how we did it? We are supposed to show in steps how to do so, none of us are running from here." The boys gotta point.

"Hmm, you're right." I slightly massaged my wrists as we both got up and I continued,"I should go first."
He nodded.

I grabbed his wrist and started instructing how its done. It took awhile but nonetheless he got it. Normally people would take a week or two but hr got it in a few minutes. This guys was surely something.

Once I was done, he took lead.
He held my elbows, twisted my upper arm to make me twist faster and he grabbed my other hand while hitting behind my knees with his to make me fall, though he made me fall gently this time, slightly holding onto me.

He seemed gentle, I tried my best to not let his gentle touch affect me and ignored all the wild butterflies that erupted in my tummy the second his hand touched mine.

My heart pounded loudly in my chest to the extent I was afraid he heard it. We had never been this close to one another so surely I wasn't the only one affected right?


Soon while dictating one of his locks he told me to move back like it would be if its performed in real, and I didnt do it correctly which made us both trip. I shut my eyes waiting for me to land on the ground but I didn't feel anything.

Opening my left eye slightly to peek I was shocked to see Jungkooks face to close to mine. I opened my mouth to speak but that's when I realized, his lips were on mine.


I shut my eyes waiting for my body to hit the ground, but instead I felt a strong hand on my back and one of my wrists got pinned to the mat.

Opening my mouth to speak I got shocked when I felt a pair of something soft on mine. I opened my eyes to find Jungkook right in front of me, his stare piercing through my soul oh, what the fuck? We accidentally kissed?!!! I'm pretty sure my heart would jump out of my chest any moment now.

My heartbeat was racing at a speed of 10000km/second.

"I-I- ahem, I- told u- to step to- right- uh-" Jungkook said flustered at the scene. I was still pinned to the mat.

"Yeah......" I trailed

He stepped back not daring to make eye contact. Well I couldn't entirely blame him for I was pretty much the same.

I am sure I have a blush painted on my pale checks at the moment. what the fuck? Why? It's just an accident! It meant nothing!

I shouldn't be flustered at this. I mentally scold myself.

I brushed away the shock and tried to calm my racing heart.

"uh- I-I guess its enough for today... Tell the rest too" I cursed myself for stuttering at start. Thankfully he didn't say anything about it.

He just nodded and left without any further words.

why the fuck am I blushing??

Shaking it off, I walked back to the rest, asking their progress yet not making eye contact with Jungkook, neither was he looking though.

After dismissing everyone I found Maddie and Daphne's staring at me. They probably want an answer for my awkwardness. I barely act like this so, I guess they were curious or worried.

"What?" I asked not looking at either.

"What is up with you two?" Maddie asked with wiggling eyebrows.

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