Chapter 10

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"Your leaving." It was more of a statement rather than a question. Not bothering to look at a blank face daphne I slipped off the window.

"I'll be back by two." I confirmed getting my leather jacket.

"And if your not?" I could sense a bit of worry laced in her tone.

"I can sense some emotion in there." I teased looking at her all smiley.

Daphne tensed as she looked like she was caught of guard.


"I-I don't know what to say." I finally spoke breaking the peaceful silence that fell upon us. Seeing maddie it would be hard to say she was a type of person who could ever feel lost or lonely. She was always so weird and hyped up twenty four seven. She was bright, almost like hobi hyung but she had a weird vibe around her. Almost sadistic.

So hearing her say, she felt lost or lonely was something totally uncalled for on my part.Plus I had know idea how to console her about her aunts death.

"You don't have to say anything. Just enjoy the silence." Maddie didn't look at me this time. Bringing her knees to her chest, she hugged them as she gazed at the now dark clouds. It will probably rain soon.

Looking at her side profile I slowly analysed her features. I didn't knew I was staring till the sound of thunder roared above us. Flinching I look up to see dark clouds gathering above us. Thank God there was a shed here.

Not long after I joined her, we both gazed at the now grey ish black sky, silently. I mean it was too peaceful and calming to let this chance slip for I don't know when could I again feel at so ease.


"Evening ma'am." The guards bowed as I just gave out a slight nod to everyone as I passed by them.

I wasn't rude or something, it's just i used to be so carefree, lively and everyone knew it. But alot happened and this is how I ended up being.

I hate myself to the extent I wished I never existed. I don't like the way I currently am but I can't really do anything about it, specially at this point in life when I had other important matters to deal with.

"Have you seen James?" I ask the passing by maid. She simply pointed at the left corridor as she bowed before continuing with her work.

So he's in study huh.

Lifting my wrists I contemplate whether what I'm doing is right or not. Just as I thought this was probably the best option I was about to knock on the door I heard some muffled shout from inside.

Pressing my ear against the wooden door I tried to catch any word that could make sense.

"I told you to wait! I can't do this now! Her father's death anniversary is just a month away! I don't want shit happening before that!"

There was a brief pause before he continued yelling.

"I don't want her to get hurt! I will not let you hurt her. I'll ask her to do something about bts but not now!" So I can't say about forming a pact. James would go nuts.

Well shit! What do I do now? Think, think yn!


Taking a few gentle steps back I stomped my feet first lightly and then a bit harder implying I was simply just walking.

I got near the door and gave a gentle knock before twisting the door open.

James, sat there on his wooden chair rocking chair with his grey locks messed up and phone his right hand while his left hand grabbed his forehead, lightly massaging it.

"James." I informed him of my presence. He hummed as he kept rubbing his forehead. He probably has a headache.

"June will be back tomorrow, I want you to make proper arrangements. And deal with the roman property. It could be a small vacation for you too seeing how tired you look." I shot at him as he gave out an exhausted nod.

If it wasn't for his betrayal I probably would've helped him more.

"I'll book a ticket for tonight." James answered shortly.

We both knew June wasn't very fond of his presence. I would usually send him away for a little time when June came so she doesn't have to see him, the first thing, well human in this case, in the house.

June could be the perfect excuse to get rid of James for a while long enough to thoroughly search the basement in the shed.

I just hoped he wouldn't return soon.

Turning around to leave, I halted my steps when a saw an all too familiar necklace, well more of a pendant neatly place on the book rack.

"Isn't that mother's pendant?" I ask, as I reached out my right hand to grab it.

"I wanted to give it to you but I didn't knew where you were. Your mother asked me to give this to you once your nineteen."

"Im still a few months away from nineteen, james." James nodded slowly getting up from his chair.

"With June here, I couldn't personally give it to you on your birthday. I would be in Roman. And there's no guarantee to give it to you without it being stolen if I left it in hands of a worker here." He was right, no matter what, he was right on this matter.

Giving a appreciative nod to his efforts I grabbed the pendant and slipped it on my neck.

Caressing it with my thumb I tucked it under my tee and finally exited James room.

June would be here tomorrow. If it wasn't for the rain, Im pretty sure she would be standing her with me now. It had been three years since I last saw her. I wonder how she is. I bet she's all grown up now.

Though I was excited to finally have her back with me after so long, my mind however, had other worries regarding her arrival. It would be hard to hide everything from her. I have to warn maddie and daphne to not say a single word to June. Even though she hated james I'm pretty sure it would still be quiet a shock to hear about his betrayal.

I wonder how long has this been going on? Was he even loyal to dad?

Guess I could only know my answers tomorrow. For now I just have to wait for james to leave.

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