Chapter 13

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"I- I'm really sorry. I just let my pent up anger out on you. That was unfair on my part and I apologise to hurt you. That wasn't my intention. Im such a d*ckhead." Rm mumbled the last part but seems like daphne heard it cause she let out a small giggle shortly after.

"It's ok." Daphne assured now finally smiling at him.

Rm heart skipped a beat, this was the first time he saw her smile. Not realizing he had copied her smile and was now standing right besides her, towering her frame, he bent down to daphne's level, she looked at him skeptically.

Not so after his lips landed on Daphne's. She was too shocked to even respond. As soon as his lips touched, they retreated back. Rm gave a warm smile to the flustered girl trying not to let his dirty thoughts get the best of him

"I promise, to not hurt you again. I promise to protect you."


I don't know what happened between daphne and rm because the two of them have been very awkward around each other. Heck they could barely look at each other without breaking out in a blush.

It was beyond weird actually. Not going to lie, I was very tempted to ask Daphne what's going on but I barely got the time to. Today I had to go pick June up. And since daphne was worried I might run into trouble so she sent jimin along with me. I mean what the actual hell! Im not a kid I can take care of myself. Besides what's this midget gonna do, boo them away.

"Take a left." Jimin pointed as I rolled my eyes. Does he seriously think I don't know the road that leads to airport when theres a huge ass board infront of us point at left for airport.

Sucking in a breath I try not to pass a comment. He has been bothering me the whole damn ride. Whenever I passed over a speed bump he would complain how bad of a driver I am or how Im probably going to crash the car. Not a second went by when he shut his damn mouth.

Slamming the breaks on purpose I see his body jerk forward due to the impact of sudden stop, sadly he saves himself before his hand bangs into the dashboard.

"My bad." I feigned innocence as I opened the door. "Told you to put your seatbelt on." I smiled in victory as I heard his groans. Ha serves you right!

Looking around the waiting area for my little sister, I failed to find her anywhere. Not so after a whining jimin stands besides.

"Where is your sister?" Jimin asks looking around, as if he knew what she looked like.

"Beats me." I answered shortly.

We both stood there in silence waiting for her when suddenly we heard a commotion and a small crowd forming near the check-in.

Sharing a brief look, jimin and I slowly approached the crowd and made our way to the front to see what was going on.

"I dare you to say that again!" An all too familiar voice was heard as I finally saw the scene infront of me.

"Sure. He is better than i-" the guy didn't get a chance to complete his sentence before the girl in black kneed him right where the sun doesn't shine.

Before she could hit him any further I gripped her raised hand and gently dragged her away.

"Yah! Let me go! That as*hole needs a lesson." Taking her away from the scene I faced her.

"Take deep breaths." The girl silently followed my instructions and soon seemed to be calm.

"What's wrong? What happened back there?" I carefully asked. Jimin now standing besides me. His curious gaze not leaving us alone.

"June. What was that all about? Tell me." I softly let out in hopes of calming her.

"That a** said captain america is better than iron man." A fuming june answered. Ok I expected that. She's usually shy though, so I don't know what to think seeing her like this.

"Are you serious?" Jimin asked in disbelief.

"If you didn't hold me I probably would've taught him a lesson." June muttered shaking herself out of my hold.

"You both are crazy!" Jimin muttered but I think June heard it.

"And who the hell are you?" June gave him a nasty look through her covered face. Letting the two talk I begin to load June's stuff into the car.

Suddenly I heard something falling along with a bunch of groans coming. Rushing forward I didn't knew what was I expecting but what I certainly was the least of things I expected.

There, on the ground laid Jimin with June under him. Jimin tried to lift himself up but I think he slipped because he fell again. I heard June groan but before I could assist Jimin finally got up. His hand was under June's head, probably to make sure she didn't hit her head.

Well at least he's a gentleman.

Had to say, I didn't thought he had it in him.

The ringing of my phone snapped me out of thoughts. Accepting the call without looking at the caller id, I waited for someone to speak.

"Hello?" I asked perhaps maybe the third time. Thinking it was a wrong number or a prank I decided to cut the call when suddenly a voice spoke.

"She's all grown up now." I wasn't dumb to not know he was talking about June. Fisting my hands I try not to jump to conclusion as I answered rather aggressively.

"Who the hell are you!" I think Jimin and June noticed my pissed off self because they immediately looked at me.

"I want her. I get what I want. Better watch out." The person laughed near the end as if he was so sure he would get her without any turbulence.

"Get in the car! Now!!" I yelled as I rushed towards the driver seat. Jimin and June thankfully didn't wasted much time and got in.

"What's wrong sis?" June looked at me worried as I just shook my head, still mad. It could be just someone playing with you. It's nothing serious. I tried to assure myself but I knew the fear had been implanted now I can never be at ease.

"Nothing. Just relax. I bet your tired from the journey. Take a nap." June didn't questioned me any further, im so glad to have her. She knows when not to pry.

June took off her mask and I swear I saw Jimin gulp at seeing her through mirror. What the hell is wrong with him today? Does he perhaps, like her? Nah that's too quick . I shouldn't jump the gun.

Dismissing the thought, I silently prayed to God, hoping the call I got was nothing serious.

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