Seventy Three

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Jade's POV

We'd been back home for a few weeks now and while everything is still as it was when we left, it all feels so different now. Better. Lighter. Everything had a sort of glow to it, and there was definitely a pep in my step. Still.

I know a marriage is really nothing but a document, and our love was there long before either of us signed it, but something about making it official has me feeling on top of the world. Like I offered her a contract to put up with me for the rest of her life, and she signed. Fine print and all.

I was sitting on the couch, putting the finishing touches on my business plan, and watching reruns of Dr. Phil. I swear some of the people on that show are unbelievable. There were a few times when I looked up and all I could do was shake my head, grateful that I didn't get the cuckoo gene.

My eyes had been glued to the tv for a while for this particular episode. There was a teenage girl swearing up and down that she was nine months pregnant with baby Jesus and she could feel him kicking and everything. Bananas, right?

According to her, she was 9 days away from delivery. My mouth was hanging open the whole time. People are craaaazzzyyyy. I would pay to be a fly on the wall in that delivery room.

They even did an ultrasound live on tv and showed the recording of her very empty womb, and they were just at the point of telling her she was nuts and there was no baby inside of her, when my phone started to ring.

I groaned, not wanting to miss her reaction. "Hello?" I was so intrigued that I hadn't even looked at the caller ID.

"Jade!" I flinched and pulled the phone away from my ear when I heard Leigh's loud ass.

"Jesus! What?" I answered her.

"What are you doing?" I could tell she was very peppy and excited about something. It probably had to do with her mystery girl that she still hadn't let us meet. She hadn't even given us her name yet.

"Bleeding internally from my shattered eardrum." I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see.

"Oh shut up! What are you guys doing tonight?!" She yelled.

"Why on earth are you so full of energy and yelling in my ear at 11am? You need to chillllllllll Pincock." I purposely emphasized the 'chill' part.

"Because!" She yelled again.

"I'm two seconds away from hanging up and just texting you." I replied. "Or just not talking to you at all since you've just interrupted my show. She was just about to give birth to baby Jesus!"

"Who was about to do what now?" She asked, lowering her voice. "Anyway! I wanted to know if you and Pez had any dinner plans tonight."

"Well, tonight is spaghetti night so-"

"Perfect! So you're free. Do you want to double date?" She cut me off and I scoffed at her lack of respect for our spaghetti night.

"But I was looking forward to spaghetti!" I whined.

"Jade!" She yelled. "You can have spaghetti any night!"

"No I can't. Pez only makes me spaghetti on Tuesdays. I'd have to wait a whole week! I've been waiting for a week, Leigh Anne!" I sighed.

"It can't be that good."

I scoffed again, incredibly offended. "Obviously you've never had any of her spaghetti."

"Spaghetti is spaghetti, Jade!" She argued.

"You would say that. No it most certainly is not, but I don't expect you to understand though, with your basic palate and all."

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