Perrie's POV
The next few mornings were chaos. I mean complete pandemonium, as was every day with these two. I was starting to find it all very entertaining though.
For one, nobody wants to wake up, then everyone is running late because nobody got up when the alarms went off.
Jaden screams when he's getting his hair combed. Jade is usually running around like a madwoman tossing folders, notebooks and snacks into backpacks and purses. If Jaden can't find his shirt, then Jade can't find her pants and vice versa.
Today, Jade is chasing Jaden around trying to put lotion on him, with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth and only her jeans and bra are on.
He's screaming about how he hates lotion, because it feels like butter and he hates butter. I've literally seen this kid gag after accidentally touching a stick of butter.
I swear every morning with them was like a movie. I usually just tried to stay out of the way, so I'd make them breakfast and lunch, sneak kisses and hugs when I could, and watch them bounce around the apartment like two pinballs, while I sipped my coffee.
Every. Single. Morning. Soon I'd be joining them in the madness. As soon as I heard back about a job.
"Let's go, bub!" Jade yelled from the kitchen while she's hopped around putting her shoes on.
"I can't find my shoes!" Jaden yelled back, and I couldn't help but laugh.
Told you.
"Ughh." She adorably stomped down the hallway. "They're right here!" I heard her yell.
And they're never yelling AT each other, to be clear. I've come to learn that the two of them are just really really loud. Like without reason.
"Babe, are you still stopping by today?" She asked, buttoning up her work shirt.
I tried not to stare at her skin, or her cleavage that was in my face because of her push-up bra, or how her gold chain sat perfectly in the center of her cleavage, the gold blending so well with her smooth brown skin. Skin that looked soft and moisturized. But at this point it's useless. I wanted to put my lips on her skin and—
"Hey! My eyes are up here!" She snapped her fingers playfully, effectively snapping me out of my trance.
It's been days since she decided to "teach me a lesson" and honestly I was getting weaker by the second. Surprisingly, for a borderline sex addict, she seemed to be doing fine and actually enjoying torturing me.
"What?" I asked, lost in my thoughts.
"Are you still coming to the diner? So we can call your cousin?" She asked again.
She was now doing her makeup in one of the hallway mirrors, and I was actually astonished at how she was even able to. And so quickly too. Not that she needed much.
We had decided to give it a few days before we called my cousin. Everything seemed quiet. Eerily quiet, but we took advantage of it nonetheless.
No Detective Pinnock since that day in the woods. No mysterious texts and whatnot, so we decided to just chill and enjoy each other's company while we had peace.
That usually meant the three of us watching movies, eating loads of junk, playing board games and video games, and of course homework. Yeah, apparently they give the babies homework now.
"Um, yeah. Sure." I said, half listening, half eyeing her body up and down as she stood a little bit on her tip toes to see in the mirror. I was practically drooling over her curves in those jeans.

You've Got it Bad
Fanfiction"I'm here now. I'm here to patch you back up until you're good as new. And love you until you forget what that hurt feels like." For a long time, Jade Thirlwall had been plagued by the trauma of her childhood. Which led her into even more trauma in...