𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭! ~ 𝟏𝟏

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Hey guys thank you so much for 1.9k reads I didn't think this story would get a lot of attention and sorry for not updating in a while I'll try and be more consistent but I can't make any promises.
The next morning you woke up with a small headache.your makeup was still on and some drool on your pillow. You groaned at the bright sunlight hitting your face. You got up to close the blinds and you played back in bed. The dress was uncomfortable to lay in so you took it off and threw it on the floor. Laying back down with your underwear on.

Your door creaks open and you turn your head to see Jiro coming in with some food. She sets it on the table and sits down on the bed. "Good moring" You sit up with the blanket covering your chest. You reached over for the food and started to eat.

"Morning." you give her a smile. So what's everyone doing?" your words muffled from you stuffing your face with food. "Bakugo,Deku,Kiri, and Shinsou making any last minute adjustments to the plan in the conference room.Hastume and momo are fixing and upgrading some tech. And Sero,Tsu, are training in the basement ''wait you guys have a training room?" you swallow the last bit of food and set the bowl on the nightstand.

"Yeah you wanna come see it?" you nod your head "but take a shower first you smell like alcohol" you both giggle. Jiro takes the bowl and walks to the door. "I'll put some clothes on your bed to change into while you're in there" you smile and she leaves closing the door. You get up and turn the shower on.

You finished and stepped out of the shower. You wrapped the towel around your body and walked to the bed that had the clothes on it. You put them on then you put your hair in a low bun and walked down the stairs.

Jiro was waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. "You ready?" "Yeah, let's go," you say and you follow Jiro down the stairs.

As you ascended down and came to the doors it was nothing like it was up stairs. It was 21st century apoose to the upstairs which looked passed down from generations. Sliding steel doors opened and revealed a huge room with mats layered out on the floor, as soon as you walked in you saw a wall of staffs and gloves to your right and a line of punching bags to your left.as you keep walking you see weight sets and treadmills.

Your focus then immediately goes toward the loud bang on the floor. You look and see Tsu on top of Sero with his arm behind his back and his face squished up against the matt. He taps his free hand on the mat signaling that he's tapping out.

You made a face thinking how painful it must be to get pinned down so hard like that. "Nice one Tsu! Come on Sero,i thought you said the training room was your terf?" Jiro chuckled as you and her walked past them.

Tsu got off of him and helped him up. "Bro she's fast and she's flexible, it's like she slips right through my fingers. Sero exclaims in defence while stretching his arms and getting back in a fighting stance. They went back at it and you and Jiro walked to the far end of the room where two more, big steel looking doors are. You guys walked up to it and they slid open. "Woah what room is this?" you ask walking around looking at the big tv screens.

Rapid clicking was heard on the keyboard you look to see Iida typing away and Denki playing a game on his phone with his feet up on the desk. Jiro walked up to Denki and pushed his feet off the desk. "Hey what-" "do you have the file?" Jiro questioned hands on her hips.

"No.. but i'll put it together right now" Denki sat up fixing himself in his chair and began to type. Not even a few seconds go by and he pulls out a flashdrive from the computer and hands it to Jiro. "you know if you weren't so good at this i would actually be mad at you" she said messing with his hair.

He puts his feet back on the desk and goes back on his phone laughing. "Get your feet off the desk" Iida says, kind of annoyed. "This is my setup" Denki says getting defensive "aren't you supposed to be working you can't be done that fast after all the task Bakugo gave you" "actually I. Am. so how about you finish your work"

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑶𝑹 𝑭𝑨𝑻𝑬 k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now