𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬 ~ 𝟗

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You were only one sip into the first bottle then minas phone chimed, it was a message from kirishima;

Come down stairs we are having a meeting

and bring y/n too bakugo wants everyone here

What makes you think I'm with y/n?

You both laugh extremely loud. Now stop wasting time

and get down here we're waiting for you two

Mina took her phone and shoved it in your face it read. You read the messages and looked at her when you finished "i'm not going to be in the same room as that asshole" you crossed your arms she rolled her eyes and began to type some more;

She said no

What do you mean she said no?

She means no, do you wanna hear it in spanish, ~ño~

Tell her to come now or else the same

thing that happened this morning happens again

...fine ill bring her

"ok we're going let's go" mina stood up and fixed her dress "ugh fine" you two walked down the stairs whispering back and forth about the place. Mina was talking about getting to know Jiro and Hatsume. You were looking forward to meeting them.

You get to the bottom of the stairs. Kirishima waits for you two to show you the way to the meeting room. You three enter and you catch bakugou looking at you. You sat at the end of the table opposite from bakugou with mina on your right and Jiro on your left.

"Before we get started for those who don't know her, everyone this is y/n" bakugo pointed at you from across the table you give him a disgusted side eye before giving everyone a soft smile.

You basically knew most of them but the two girls. "Im Jiro nice to meet you" she leans in to whisper to you not wanting to disrupt bakugos talking. "Hi it's nice to meet you too" you smile nicely "that's Hatsume over there" she pointed to the pink haired girl with goggles resting on her head.

"She's the one you go to if you want anything fixed but make sure you're specific to what you want or she'll do her own thing" you both chuckle a little.


you both to look up to see bakugou shooting you with a sharp gaze. You both stop for a second but continue to talk when he started to talk again.

"ok so you know sero right?" you nodd "well he's amazing at setting traps and trip wires, but don't let that fool you because my manz can dance his ass off"

you smile and point to denki "ok what about kaminari. Is he good at combat?" she tries to hold in her laugh "hell no that boy hes two left feet he's the most clumsiest person in the world, but hes are tech guy he'll hack into any server on the planet he's just that good" you raise your eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh and kirishima he's like our second boss, he's just a lot nicer" "you got that right'' oh and i forgot to tell you that slap you gave bakugou was nice i don't think ive ever seen someone hit the boss and live to tell the tale" you got a little embarrassed about it

"oh you saw that'' you put a strand of your hair behind your ear. "If you look closely you can still kinda see the handprint on his face" you turn to get a good look and she was right" you both look back at each other and attempt not to laugh but you failed miserably.

Everyone was now looking at you two. "What the hell is so funny are you two even paying attention to what i'm saying" bakugou voice got louder with every word. "S-sorry" you both say in between laughter.

"No tell me what's so funny. It must be hilarious if you're laughing this hard" his sarcastic words dragging the sentence. You and Jiro looked at eachother eyes wide. She sat back in her seat and nudged you to speak.

"Ahem, well we were um... " you looked at jiro, she's looks down not wanting attention "well we were talking about how... we can still see the mark i left on you from this morning" you say whilst holding in your chuckles, jiro doing the same.

Everyone's eyes go wide looking away from bakugou so he wouldn't see the smiles on their faces. Then you hear Mina chuckle right next to you. Bakugo rubbed the side of his face.

He growled in frustration as he stood up out of his chair and placed his hands on the table.

"Deku will be here in two hours i want all of you to look your best so go get ready" everyone quickly exits. "Jiro and y/n stay behind"

bakugos voice is surprisingly calm which makes this ten times scarier than usual.

You two stand in silence for a while. Not wanting to look up and look into his eyes. "Jiro" his voice is colder than ice itself.

"I want all files with background information, family history, and every crime committed on Touya on my desk tomorrow morning at 6am sharp"

"but that's kaminaris job. That's going to be impossible-" bakugo raises his hand to silence her. "You're dismissed" she sighs but she'll just get denki to do it. she looks at you as she leaves the room. 'Good luck' she mouths towards you,

It was now just you and bakugou. 'Ah shit i'm in for it now' you thought to yourself. He walks slowly, his body getting closer to yours and his figure is now towering over you.

He pushes you back down in your seat the whole time not making a single sound. He lifts your chin up looking into your eyes sending chills down your spine. You swallow the lump in your throat.

"You know y/n i tried being nice. I'm letting you stay here protected, I have my men working over time just to make sure your mother stays alive, I can easily just call them off and have your poor mother fend for herself." your jaw clenches. "I'm helping you with your problem, so be nice"

"First of all it's not just my problem this is everyone's problem he affects all of us." you stand up tall still looking up to him.

"he's too powerful for you to take on by yourself that's why you called another gang... isn't it" he crossed his arms leaning back on the table. "And if you think forbidding me to see my mom and locking me in a room for hours is being nice. You might want to rethink that. or maybe if i smack your other cheek youll get it"

he scoffs eyeing you up and down. "Go get dressed, I'm done talking to you," he circles the table going back to his seat.

You roll your eyes exiting the room, bakugous eyes on you until you are out of sight.


𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑶𝑹 𝑭𝑨𝑻𝑬 k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now