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Previously On Complicated Love:

After the many attempts of getting the suit on, I succeeded. I clipped the device on my belt (or in a pocket.. something) and rushed out to train with Robin for a bit.

It's time to actually be apart of this team that I call family.

Your POV

"What have I been saying all night?" Robin asked, kicking at me again.

I jumped back in time and sent in my attack of kicking him.

"To keep watch on everyone and not to let my guard down??" I asked, kicking his staff as he blocked.

"To attack me! You're holding back because you know me! But what if I turn into the villain? Beast boy?" He stated, making a point.

I grumbled and actually started to attack him.

In the end, let's say I almost broke his nose and he is badly bruised.

"Next you'll be fighting Beast boy!" Robin exclaimed excitedly.

"No!" I yelled, a bit too loudly.

Robin looked at me curiously and smirked.

"Why 'no'?" He asked

"I.. uh- I promised him cuddles tonight! Wow look at the time! I better get going." I yelled, rushing to change and leave.


When I got back on the main floor of the tower, I immediately made a beeline to my room and showered, changing into my pajamas and hanging up my uniform. I set my yellow disc on my dresser and left to find everyone.

Specifically a green boi, but they don't need to know that.

Walking into the living room, I noticed Cyborg and Jinx cuddling on the couch.

"Didn't you guys have date night?" I asked, pausing my walk for a moment.

"We did. We had went out for dinner and since the movies is closed and my tower isn't the best, we came here." Jinx stated, smiling at me.

I nodded and left the room, giving them their alone time they probably need.

Hopefully it's all appropriate-

I ended up walking into the kitchen, seeing Raven eating and Beastie rummaging through the fridge.

"Find anything good, gar?" I asked, walking up next to him

He shook his head sadly and looked over at me, "Nope, nothing worth eating at least."

I thought for a moment. Now would be a good chance to ask him for a date. We could go out to eat and all that stuff humans do on dates.

"Well. If youre not busy.. um would you wanna go out with me? A restaurant or something?" I asked, looking up at his reaction.

He turned pink as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"L-like a date??" He questioned.

"Yeah you dink, a date. If that's okay-"

"Yes! I have to change but let's do it tonight!"

With that he rushed off, going to get ready I presume.

Raven clapped as I just shyly looked at her.

Complicated Love (Beast Boy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now