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It sounded like wooing on the cranky, volatile suds of Cola,

there hid a weird but eye-opening tincture— of great things in life.

To be asked by how is to be answered by ways I got,

though it left hints of 'what', what's with how do you 'what'?

A vivid piece of figuratively made poetry— the question's like,

though it seemed like a lousy query, I know it holds significance.

For Pete's sake, relying on my metaphorically-inclined mind's not enough.

Simple query's hold a deeper perspective.

This is not meant for me to dig 10-feet down,

just in my simple view, it's how you show your best— giving blast,

Or it might be how you make things out of ordinary.

Keeping yourself out of that tyrant shell.

Luna at PlumaWhere stories live. Discover now