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S-ealed promises as I lean unto, words from you became my only loving, driving force,

E-ach day that passes by strengthen the mood; waking up my weak, longing, weeping corpse.

N-otable chats you left in my inbox have had excite me like decoding a Morse,

D-rama we shared each minute of the day and up all night, the only course.

I-n every breath I make, your voice just echoed in corners out of the blue,

N-othing could outweigh the way I distinguish you from that arching spinning wheels of hue.

G-uilt swallows me when I lose some chances of the talks I've had with you,

H-ey, I cherish you enough to say these words: "Ahm, I am longing for you".

U-nbreakable are we, despite the distances— thousands miles of miles that hinder our loving plight,

G-ame of destiny might win, you and I keep struggling— you're still my shining light.

S-ay I'll wait whatever it takes; let's make each other's love a seemingly gleaming bright,

S-addening now, yet time will find its way; us— to be in each other's sight.

O-h, I missing you so much; I can't wait to see you, hang in there,

F-or I may be afar yet my heart unconditionally beats for you, my dear Claire.

A- chat from you makes me wonder, how tall you're now or you've grown hair?

R-ight baby, Mama loves you; wait for me home— for now, my hugs are fair.

*Acrostic: Sending Hugs So Far

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