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When I leaped from that plateau of 2020 dynamic,

I realized I somewhat got a "pass" on the easy part of journey.

I could see how I managed to score with an eyesore looking sick,

Getting answers, have been a long-necked way to find the best answer key.

We'll still be in one seat apart as we live with the tyrant cat— the Pandemic,

And we're rats kept into our dugout to avoid "killing spree".

We'll still be holding our modules; on-screen we'll have stiff necks,

Clicking "submit" and smile seeing the "turned in" button— ok!

Now, I promised I have taken a review; after the clock ticks,

Then, I'll be taking notes, new bucket lists, new me.

There, I saw new hopes, giving

my hundred-percent trust on Him

higher than the attic.

"Pass or fail", 70% holds the final exam— challenges of 2021 and thirty percent's the midterm of 2020.

Luna at PlumaWhere stories live. Discover now