Chapter 3: forgive and accidents

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The morning came and Nolan was slowly started to wake up to see lou cuddle up agents him, "GAH" Nolan screamed causing Lou to wake up and fall out of bed "WHAT HAPPENED" Nolan shouted and Lou looked confused "HOW DID WE END UP SNUGGLING" he shouted and Lou just shrugged even though he new it was because of him, "well let's forget that happened and I'm gonna go thost waffle" he said and walked out of the room and Lou felt awful, maybe he was wrong, maybe Nolan thought of them just as friends... and he's being an idiot, "hey lou, you gonna come eat" Nolan asked and Lou got up from the floor and walked with him into the kitchen.
The kitchen was small, like most of the house designs but he noticed a paper thing on the wall with drawing on it, "oh ya, Mandy and I drew dim things on there, my favourites the chicken" Nolan said and he put 4 waffles in a toaster. As Lou looked he noticed that it looked like him, just... as a chicken, "ya I can see why" he said and Nolan walked over and went red from what he saw, "oh... right" he said and Lou said it was fine and kinda funny. "Here" Nolan said and handed him a plate with 2 waffles smushed together with chocolate in the middle.

"Come on, let's wait h something" he said and walked over and started to look throw moves as Lou sat on the couch, "here we go" he said and opened the case of a DVD to "the game" a popular horror movie, "why do you have a horror movie?" He asked and Nolan said that after when they talk with ox, he was wondering if lou would want to watch a horror movie afterwards as he didn't have work today, "oh... right" Nolan said and got up, "we need talk to ox remember" he said and Lou said he remembered "okay so let's eat some breakfasts and then we can go" he said and sat on the couch.
After they ate, Nolan gave Lou some clothing he had and an old jacket, "remember hood up all time until we get to ox" Nolan said and Lou said he knows, "you ready?" He asked what he was, so they walked out into the work.

"Where almost there" Nolan said as he and Lou walked but they got stairs from bills as but they didn't do anything "starting to worry" Lou whispered and Nolan said not to worry, "NOLAN" he heard and looked to see the spy girls and Mandy walking over "no, shouted we run?" Lou asked and Nolan said no "just keep the hood on and I'll talk" he asked and they finally made it "MERRY CHRISTMAS" Tuesday shot and looked to the doll in the black jacket, "who's this" she asked and was about to grave the hood when Nolan stopped her, "oh this is London" he said and kitty asked him to repeat that "London" he said and Lou or "London" gave a small wave, "I don't remember any doll with that name" Mandy said and Lydia asked to see there face or here there voice "oh, well he can't talk" he said saying "London" was catatonic "then let see his face" kitty said and Nolan was starting to think of something to say when Tuesday ran over and reached for the dolls hood, "wait" Nolan said and "London" ducked then kicked Tuesday in the side "he has fight or flight reflexes" Nolan said and Lydia and kitty ran over to help her and Lou grabbed Nolan's arm and started to run with him.

After a while Lou pulled Nolan  into an ally and he took a breath, "Lou... WHAT WAS THAT" Nolan shouted and Lou said they were gonna see his face, "they were gonna think of you as a liar" he added and Nolan face palmed saying it would have been good as then they would know you're trying to be better, "they wouldn't believe it" he said as he put his hand in his pockets "after how I treated them why would they", that's when Nolan slapped him. "D-Did you just slap me?" Lou asked and Nolan slapped him again "Lou, you made me cry in front of doll and I still like you" Nolan said as he took lou's hands out of his pockets "Lou I know this seems scary but I promise to help you, because I care about you" Nolan said and Lou smiled a bit and leaned forwards and puckered his lips "I KNEW IT" they heard someone shout and looked to see it was Mandy.
"MANDY, uhm I-I CAN EXPLAIN" Nolan said but Mandy said he didn't have to as she heard everything, "but what I don't understand is why?" She said and asked why help lou and how does he know he's not lying, "if I was lying I wouldn't have asked Nolan to help be try to get forgiven" Lou said and Mandy agree but he need to show her that he's sorry "can I do that after we see ox" he asked and Mandy pulled Nolan away. "I think-" but before Mandy could even start Nolan I interrupted saying that imperfection was about impressing flaws, and lous flaw is that he's a prototype "and if we don't forgive him, how does that make use any different from him when he was in charge" Nolan asked and Mandy looked away "I'll go see if Tuesday's okay" she said and gave Nolan a small hug, "hope you know what your doing" she said and he knows he got it under control, "bye Mandy" he said and walked back to Lou. "So, is she gonna kill me?" Lou asked and he said he's fine but they gotta hurry.

"OX OX! HEY OX" Nolan shouted as he mocked on his door, "Nolan stop knocking" Lou said and Nolan jumped town the steps "I don't understand I thought he would be here, maybe he's at moxy's" he said and that's when they heard someone shout London "Nolan" Lou said as he hid behind him and Nolan looked to see that Tuesday was running over, "come on" Nolan said and they started to run.

"Ox I don't think it's gonna fit" moxy said and her and ox struggled to push a box in the supply shed, "ya but we can't leave it out here" ox said and they stopped pushing, they needed the fireworks to see how they would set it up but after the fireworks mishap they dictate to put them back but they forgot how they got all 12 boxes in the shed with inlay of them braking, "well we better try again" ox said and they were about to get the boxes out and they started to take the boxes out. After a while they got all the boxes out and they were not trying to figure out how to stack them, "did the guy hear that?" Moxy asked and ox said no but they still went outside to see, "AH" they shouted as some boxes fell on them.
"Ow" Nolan said as him and lou ended up falling and then crashed into some boxes, "pain" Lou said as he slowly lifted himself to see that Nolan had fallen on him "sorry" Nolan said and moved the hood of Lou, "ow" lou said and Nolan got scared, "I'm okay, just my head" he said and Nolan started to calm down a bit but then they heard the sound of grunting and looked to see  ox and moxy pushing a box off themselves "Nolan are you-" moxy was saying then she saw that Nolan was on top of, "LOU" she shouted and ox pulled her close, "okay before you say anything" Nolan was saying as he helped lou up only for Lou to mediately get bashed in the ankle as moxy grabbed a rock. "Nolan are you okay?" Moxy asked but he didn't answer instead he was asking lou if he was okay "you know what, I deserve that after what did to you and Mandy" Lou said as he lay on the ground "what?" She asked and Lou looked over saying he was sorry about doing that, "am I herring this right?" She asked and Nolan looked at lou and shook his head slowly.

"Okay" Lou said and looked over to Moxy as he got up saying how he's not only sorry for that but about everything he did to all the dolls. "Y-your really sorry" she said her eyes starting to sparkle as tears slowly form in her eyes, "hold on it's gonna take more then saying your sorry to get me to forgive you" ox said and Lou said that why he's helping he'll give him the chance to make up for those mistakes, "wait... you really are" ox said and before lou could say anything he fell to the ground a rock falling next to him, "SORRY" Mandy shouted as she ran over "MANDY" Nolan screamed and she said said she was sorry, she didn't mean to but she had to dot something that was stuck in the roof.
After getting Lou to ox hours and making sure hies okay, lou finally woke up and lou and Nolan were able to explain everything everything was explained, and after that was explained that ox and the others asked a few more questions, but they were all answered as Nolan said Lou was gonna live with him and on Sunday he was gonna help him look for a job, which was really sweet of Nolan but to Lou... it was one of the most truly nicest and sweetest thing someone could do for him.

That might sound like an exaggeration but Lou knows dolls used to do nice things just to impress him, or trick him, but Nolan was doing this because cared for him.

After everything was finally over Nolan took Lou back to his hours and as they got inside Nolan went to change into something comfortable but Lou just took the jacket off and flopped on the couch, after all that he was happy to be inside but felt a little bad as he thought Nolan was a bit disappointed. "Hey Nolan" Lou said as he hugged one of the couch pillows "ya" Nolan shouted and asked how he thought the day went "good, but why are you asking?" Nolan questioned and Lou went silent "I don't know, I feel like today could have gone better" he said and Lou walked out in some shots and another crop top, "why do you think that?" He asked and Lou said he didn't know, he felt like he could have talked to ox about it with that many people, "it wasn't that many people" Nolan said and Lou sat up still holding the pillow varying his face in it "I just think it should have been better" lou said and wrapped an arm around him, "don't worry lou, I'mjust happy we got the approval now get your pj's on his and how about we play that movie" Nolan said and Lou smiled and walked into Nolan room where he shouted his pjs where in his rooms.
As Lou looked around the closet he finally found but when he picked it up when he knocked over a something "Lou are you okay" Nolan asked as he walked in, "ya just knocked over-" he was saying before he saw a picture of him "umm" they doth said and looked at each other "so that what was in the box" Nolan said and Lou asked how he didn't know? "Oh that's because it's Tuesday, now I know why she asked me to burn it" he said but Lou asked why didn't he "forgot to" he said and put the litter back, then put the box back in the closet "I better change" Lou said and Nolan left the rooms.

Finally Lou came out in his pjs and sat next to Nolan "ready to watch what's said to be the scariest movie ever?" Nolan asked and Lou laughed a bit saying he was ready and how scary can a slasher be?

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