Chapter 5: dolls of type 12

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The next day came and Nolan was slowly woke up "hey Nolan" Lou said as he stood heard the door "morning" Nolan said and got up, they ate breakfast and Nolan told Lou that he was gonna show him around and maybe they could find him a job or something he can do and Nolan was happy to hear that lou thinks that's a great idea as he would probably need something to do wale Nolan's away, but Nolan wondered whether Lou shouted have a hoodie on? "You ready?" Lou asked and he zipped his jacket up "do you think you should put the hood up?" Nolan asked and Lou put a hand on his shoulder "I'll put the hood on" and he did so which made Nolan smile.

Many time passed and they still haven't fingered out the right job for Lou, which was a surprise as he's good at everything "okay I'm starting to worry" Nolan said as he walked wale holding lous hand "nothing seems to fit you" he said then they heard the something, it sounded like shouting "LOOK OUT" someone shouted and Lou went to the ground as uglydog went flying into snow. "Why is it always me" Lou asked and he got up, "Oh man" uglydog said and ran over "I am so sorry..." he said and Nolan said London, "London I'm really sorry" he said and "London" just waved his hand and Nolan said he can't speak, "oh well let me get you an ice back" UD said and he noticed wages bakery.
"Hey wage" Nolan said and she was surprised to see him, "hold on you don't work today" she said and UD said they needed some ice after he ran into "London", "okay come into the kitchen" she said and as they walked in Nolan new that smell all to well "your making taffy cookies today" he said and wage said yes hen called UD over to help her put the ice in the bag "cam me and London try some?" Nolan asked and she said no as it was still fresh and sticky "okay the ice-" she was saying when Nolan took it from her and handed it to Lou, "oh um, do you miss if lo- London and I be alone for awhile" he asked and as weird as it sounded wage wasn't gonna judged and neater was UD so they left.

"You can take the hood off" Nolan said and Lou did so and put the ice on his head "so you work here?" He asked and Nolan said yes as he took a spoon out "wait but I thought-" Lou was saying and Nolan said he just wanted to try a bit, but lou jumped down from the middle table saying it wasn't a good idea but he ran into Nolan and that cause him to drop the spoon, "sorry" Nolan said and tried to move but he pulled Lou, "um Nolan" Lou said and he looked to see that he brooded it on there jackets causing them to get stuck, "okay she wasn't kidding when she said sticky" Lou said and they took off their jackets. Not that much time passed so they heard the speakers shouted "IN COMING! IN COMING!" and they looked worried but to there luck wage and uglydog didn't come running in, "come on" Nolan said and he picked up the jacket "hey... why don't we try" Lou said and Nolan looked down but smiled "okay" he said and left the jacket on the table and stared to run, pulling Lou along.
"So what's happening" Lou asked and Nolan said that that sound was the arrival of new dolls coming out of the pipe, wick was a big deal as there hasn't been a new doll on years, "cool" he said and they made it to the spot where multiple dolls stood, "hey guys-" Mandy was saying when she saw Lou didn't have jacket "WHERES LOUS JACKET" she screamed in a whisper not wanting anyone's attention to move off the pipe, "long story" Nolan said and although Mandy worried she didn't say anything, "hey Nolan" Lou said as ox started to talk "ya" he said and Wilber started to walk, "I... I need to ask you a question" he said and everyone started to count down.

"1"... "I was gonna ask"... "2"... "if you-"... "1"... "OH FUCK"one of 3 dolls shouted as they came flying out and into the ground and everyone started to cheer, "IF YOU LIKE TO BE MY BOYFRIEND?" Lou shoute, he wasn't gonna let the fear of his ex come and turn this, Nolan's sweet and handsome and he might love him, but Nolan didn't hear as the cheating was too loud.

"WELCOME TO IMPERFECTION FRIENDS! WHAT'S YOUR NAMES?" Ox asked and a blond doll with blue eyes stood up, "where in sake of dance where are we" he asked and a blond girl with blue eyes got up "WHO CARES, there's and adorable little bunny here" she said and stared at ox, "sorry about them" the last doll said and she looked exactly like the other girl doll just with short blond hair, "sorry, I'm June, this is Olivia and that's mike" she said and looked around. "Well good to know-" ox was saying when Olivia picked him up and hugged him "oh your so cute" she said and started to kiss ox "OLIVIA" mike said but she didn't stop, "hey how is it?" Lou asked as he jumped up and down "Lou stop jumping" Mandy said but Lou didn't hear as he had jumped far and fell forward and into the sight of all the dolls.
"SHIT" Nolan shouted and was about to god forward when they heard the sound of a high pitch scream, "dear dolls, LOU?" Mike shouted and that's when Lou saw them... and he was terrified.

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