Chapter 4: movie bring love? Wait-

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How scary can a slasher be?

They were only an hour into their movie and to Lou's surprise it was actually scary, but something Lou kept noticing was that he and Nolan were inlaying the couch cushion away but now they were only one inch away. "Shit" the lady said in the tv and Lou moved and last with his legs near his chest as it was more comfortable then the killer came up on screen and Nolan jumped elbowing Lou in the face, "sorry- AGHH" he shouted and curled up near lou "uh" lou said and he was going red- "AAHH" they shouted and Lou ended up hitting the wall behind him and Nolan wrapped if arms around lou and pushed his face into lous chest, "I YA! MA YO" Lou shuddered out and nolan looked at him "hit my arm, o-on the wall" Lou said and Nolan squinted a bit "why are you-" Lou asked when Nolan kiss his cheek "you know, I'm really happy that we get to spend time together and I'm happy you didn't freak out" Nolan said and rested his head on lous chest, but Lou started to freak out again.
Nolan loved him and he kissed him twice but Lou didn't know if he loved Nolan, his mind kept changing after... he never was able to figure out if he shouted try to love again, he gets so worried that Nolan will had him if he they dated but is he doesn't then Nolan will be sad, and maybe even mad.

"Nolan" Lou said and a sleepy Nolan looked up, "I know this sound wired but..." he was saying and looked away, he had to say this right.

"I know you like me but that worries me, long ago I had a girlfriend and I thought she was the nicest prototype I ever met, but things happened and she left me, and I'm worried that I'll hurt you and you'll hate me... just like she did, that why I've been acting weird I'm my opinion" he said and then realized Nolan was asleep, "well" was all Lou could say as he picked Nolan up and cared him to his bed. As he tucked Nolan in he started to think about what he said, that was a long time ago... maybe he's overreacting... "I should think" Lou said but before he left gave Nolan a small kiss on the cheek "that for my kisses" he said and left, none the wiser, that kiss caused Nolan to smile.

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