Chapter 3

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"I met this guy Arthur and he doesn't seem right, did you find anything on how they met?" 

"Nothing, they went to totally different schools, all flight records showed they were never present in the same place, at the same time" 

"He said something about some mutual friends that died but it doesn't seem convincing" 

"Let's go to the wife and ask her if there was any conflict between them" 

"You're right, we should check on Alexandra" 

"Excuse me? Do what now?, there's no checking up on her Hunter,we're not here to be her friends I thought we talked about this" 

"You're the one who told me to understand my suspects and see it from their point of view" 

"I didn't tell you to befriend her and trust her" he half yelled

"It's not like I'm letting her off the hook, I'm just not accusing her yet" 

"Well you should, that's your job" 

"maybe I don't want to" I shrugged as I started my car and he sighed frustrated. 


"Mrs. Archers, sorry to disturb we just have a few more questions" 

" Go ahead, come in, and as I told Hunter, I'm not Mrs. Archers" 

"Oh you did, you told Hunter" he looked at me giving me  a look before going inside. She led us to the same place she led us, well at least me to, yesterday.

I froze in place as I saw a man walk in holding two cups of morning coffee, which means he stayed in. 

"Who's this?" I questioned as the man stopped in tracks once I pointed my finger.

"That's my brother Joe, remember? I told you about him" 

"She told you about him Hunter, and you don't remember?" Noah said while giving me the *this is what I'm talking about*look while I just elbowed his back as I proceeded to meet her brother. 

"Hunter Winsbourgh, nice to meet you" I shook his hand

"Joe banks, nice to meet you as well" he held my hand in a tight firm grip as we stood like that for a while, til Noah broke the silence. 

"Noah Newman, nice to meet you" he extended his hand while Joe loosened his grip to mine. 

"Nice to meet you as well, please, have a seat". 

We sat down, I felt his eyes burning right through me, as if he was waiting for me to say something so he could beat the hell out of me, I don't want to give him a chance do I?, so I kept my mouth shut. 

"Do you know anything about Will and Arthur's company, how they were doing, wether they ever fought about something?" Noah asked Alexandra while I tried to act as if I was focused on what they were saying, well everyone already knows I kind of wasn't. 

"Arthur is a lovely guy, we would always have him for dinner and go out with, I don't think he ever argued with Will, he is a calm guy" 

"Don't you think that's a lot of praising for your husband's friend?" I nudged Noah while he didn't seem to bother. 

"Excuse me?" Oh boy here we go, 

"That's not, it's not what he meant to say please don't get it the wrong way" I tried to cool it down, we're going to get beat up if Noah here doesn't shut his mouth. 

"Get it the wrong way?, if your partner here is trying to say something, he should just say it so I could beat him up and we can all have a lovely night" Joe spoke very sternly while maintaining a piercing gaze that he now fixed on Noah, doesn't seem like an easy guy. 

"He didn't mean anything disrespectful, he just wanted to ask how your relationship with Arthur was, right Noah?" I turned to Noah, narrowing my eyes. 

"I know what I mean Hunter" 

"Which is exactly what I said, so go ahead Alexandra, how was Arthur with you?"

"He was nice, excuse me, I need to leave to the restroom" she excused herself, and left. 

"I hated that guy!" This time, surprisingly, Joe was the one who spoke. 

"How exactly?" Noah asked

"I didn't like him he was always trying to provoke me" 

"Have you ever told Will? " 

"He was doing that too" He burst out, unpleasantly may I say. 

"So you didn't like Will?" 

"I didn't, since the first day I met him he was annoying, and trying to piss me off meaningly " 

"Then why did you let your sister marry him?" Wrong question Noah, wrong question. 

"Do you think I had a choice? She loved him"Lots of yelling, Not good for the health Joe. 

" So you had to bear with him for your sister's sake? " 

Right question Noah, good improvement. 

" Yeah, I did"


"I gave him a deadline, their one year anniversary, if he can't fix his company by then, he leaves my sister." 

"He was going bankrupt?" 

"Isn't it your job to find all these things out?" Well,he was right, but I wasn't gonna tell him he was.

"It is, but you're gonna make it easier if you tell us" surprisingly, Noah started thinking of what he says to Joe, nice choice Noah. 

"He was good, financially wise,that's why he has this house, but I recently found out he was taking too many loans from many people that he wouldn't be able to pay off. I talked to him about it, he kept saying it was none of my business. Well, it is, this is my sister I couldn't let him so I told him, more like threatened him to fix the deal or leave my sister"

" You do realize the man's dead now?" 

"Would you please give this Sherlock a nobel prize? " 

"If we don't find anyone, we could easily just say that you're the one who killed him" 

"Out of the several people he owed money and all his friends and acquaintances I would kill my sister's husband right before their anniversary, what kind of brother would I be?" 

"A one who threatens his brother in law" Oh boy, tough spot. 

Joe stood up, me and Noah did as well as Joe walked towards him, and Noah did as well, I sense a fight. 

"If it isn't for this badge, you would be dead by now" 

"If this badge is what's keeping you, I don't have it anymore" Noah handed me his badge as they both were standing close to each other, glaring at each other. 

Just by then,Alexandra walked in, perfect timing. 

"Is there anything going on?" Alexandra asked. 

"We were about to leave, we don't wanna be late do we Noah?" Noah didn't seem to care about what I said as he continued to eye Joe but I dragged him forcefully to the door, while Joe stood in place. 

"What is wrong with you? We don't want to be their enemies" I yelled at Noah. 

"Well excuse me for not having a magical bond with people who could have possibly killed the guy. " he Air quoted the words magical bond. 

I know some thought Noah was really mean and out of his mind, but you'll learn in the next chapters that he had reasons to act that way. Although, it doesn't make it alright to act that way to people.

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