Chapter 18

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I was about to knock on Noah's door when he opened before I could even touch it.

“ You ready?” he asked and locked his door.

“ Yeah, we can go and stay for a while, just get back before it's dark.”
“ Sure, I'm driving.” He paced and unlocked his car and I got into the passenger seat.

“ Can you not kill us? You're driving really fast.”

“I don’t think I will, we're going to die anyways why not today?”
“ Noah can you please stop this?”
“ You know man, life is worthless. There's nothing to keep us alive if we chose dying when we chose this career.” He seemed serious about what he was saying.

“ How is life worthless Noah?  Stop it! I'm serious.”
“ I am too Hunter, I don’t wanna live forever.” He started speeding up the car.

“ You shouldn’t take the song literally Noah , stop the car right now, let me out.”

“ Death is inevitable and unavoidable Hunter you can't stop death.” He fixes his gaze at me while the car is moving at high speed.

“ Noah stop it, you're going to kill us both, and stop using words bigger than you.”
“ Say whatever you like, Hunter.” He turned back to the steering wheel, and the car was still on full speed.

“ Have you gone nuts? Stop the car now!” I yelled. I started getting really anxious after sensing the seriousity in his voice.

“ We're all dead, aren't we Hunter?”

“ No we aren’t, we're alive and I don’t want to die.” I shut my eyes tightly in fear of a crash but instead, felt the car stop. 

A small part of me was afraid that I'm already dead, so I wasn’t planning on opening my eyes. But then I heard Noah burst out laughing loudly.

“ You should have seen your face, you were begging me to stop the car. This is the best prank I've ever pulled on you.”

It took me a minute to apprehend the situation.

“ I've never seen you that scared Hunter, you really think I'd kill us both?”

“ What kind of psychopath person are you?”

“ We might die tomorrow, I had to pull this prank on you.”
“ I even planted a camera so you could watch yourself later.”

“ Noah! That’s wrong, you can't do that. I thought you almost lost your brains, turns out you don’t even have any.” I screeched.

“ Chill bro, it was just a prank.”
“ Can we please go? I'm having a headache after you almost gave me a heart attack.”  I squeezed my head between my palms.

“ Fine, I'm sorry.”
“ Please don’t do that ever again.”
“ Alright.” He started up the car again.

“ You should’ve seen your face.” He whispered, thinking I couldn’t hear him, I'm gonna get back at him for this.


“ I'll leave you, I'll be right there.” I pointed at my mother's grave.

Even though she was here, I never came after the burial. I always feared not having enough strength to come here but today, I must. Tomorrow will either be the biggest day of my life, or the day people will know as my last day. 

“ Hey mom, how are you?” Just as I expected, I didn’t get any answer. I sat down on the small path between each grave.

“ You know, lots of stuff has happened since last year. Rose is a 911 operative just like you wanted her to be. I am doing well. Sometimes I miss you you know?” I swallowed hard after the last sentence and tried to bring my gaze anywhere but the grave. Then, I saw Noah. although he was far, he was visible. 

He was seated in front of his sister's grave and seemed silent. He kept caressing the floor after a few minutes, I saw his lips move and saw him draw a small smile.

“ You know mom, Noah has helped me and I consider him as my brother now. Remember him? That guy who said your apple pie was the best thing he has ever tasted?” I chuckled at the memory of the first time inviting Noah to our house for dinner. He made friends with my mom and completely forgot about me. If you heard what he was saying, you'd think my mom makes everything perfectly…. That is kind of true.

“ Also, I learned to cook alone, and I'm amazing. But I still need you though.”
“ Tomorrow is a big day mom, no matter what the risks are, I'm doing it for Noah . I've seen him through the last years, he deserves this, this is the least I could do to make him happy.”

I looked at Noah and saw him flooding in tears like a little child.

“ I'm sorry I haven’t been around, last year was like hell to me. I've been trying to distract myself, but it's bad. It really is. All the things we used to do together, almost everything in my life reminds me of you.”

“I love you, I really miss you. I'm trying my best to make it without you and I really hope I do.” I wiped my tears and hid my face between my knees.


I was silent since I sat here, I didn’t know exactly what to say. I don’t believe in talking to the grave as if it was my sister so I just stayed silent. Even with no words spoken, I could always feel her presence in my heart. We have been really close to each other and we understood each other.

We had each other since forever and most importantly, she knew everything about me, I was so open around her and almost courageous. She was the one person who made my life complete. 

I hated losing her, but now I'm taught that I should look up to what I have, not what I miss.

 Although I don’t have my sister, I have Jonathon. I have Hunter, he has been like my family for the last three years I haven’t spoken to Jonathon.

I've learned a lot these last days. I've grown up a lot, I just wish she was here with me.

No one could ever fill up for your sibling. Although, life gives and takes, we just don't notice. Enjoy your families:)

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