Chapter 10

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I never knew this girl could be understanding, even after how I have been acting with her.

I call Hunter and he doesn’t pick up at the first time. So, I call him again this time, he takes time to pick up.

“Noah if it isn’t important can you call me later?”
“Why, what happened?”
“Hunter what happened?”
“Nothing really man,just get into what you called for.”
“What happened with the autopsy, I mean before everything?”
“Well,Jonathon was the one who did it,he told me that he killed himself. The knife was handed to him by someone,which means someone watched him die. It's either he killed himself or someone told him to.”
“If he just killed himself, the person would have stopped him, I think he was forced to do it.”

“Yeah maybe. How's Jonathon?”
“He still hasn’t responded or anything.”
“I'll come by later to see you.”

“Yeah sure.”
“Take care Noah.”
“Yeah you too.”

I don't know why, I just don’t feel like doing anything today. I'm just lying on the couch, not on the phone just there. I'm not even thinking!

The house is really boring today,I took a day off from the office,I'm still working, only if there's something important other than that, it's just me and my sweet home.

That moment when you're all alone and you're staring at a wall that doesn’t mean anything, but you are just so deeply involved, that is me right now.

I focus on the wall intensely,  nothing new, until I notice there was a small crack there. I never saw that. I walked closer to it and focused on it even harder, oh wait, I remember this one. I punched the wall one time,because my neighbor kept yelling over a stupid  football game and I honestly couldn’t take it. The wall was the best option to scare him, and it worked. I have never heard a single sound since then.

I get back to the couch and lie down, just staring at my feet. I never knew they were this good looking!

My phone started vibrating in my pocket, I picked up immediately.

“Hello, Hunter speaking.”
“Hey I'm Alexandra.”
“Oh..Hi”I fixed my seating, I like to believe that it helps me hear better.

“Umm so how has it been?”I could sense the tension in her voice.

“I'm fine,nothing much really.”
“………..” honestly, the silence was killing me but we had nothing to say.

“Would you like to say anything?”
“Ummm,would you?”
“You can't answer a question with another one Alexandra .”
“I'm not, do you have anything to say?”
“We have something on the case, but we can't tell you yet, it's uncertain.”
“Okay, cool.”Why is she running from the question?

“Do you have anything to say?”

“Umm, have you seen Noah's brother today?”
“Stop running Alexandra, or I swear I'll hang up.”

"Okay fine!! You were right.”
“Right about what?”
“I'm not fine, I miss him so much.”
“Well I know I was right else, I wouldn’t say it.”
“I know that Einstein.”

“You need to let go, it's fine to get sad, just not forever. You should cry today so you could smile tomorrow. Losing people is normal,we need to accept it.”

“I'm not ready to, I act like it's fine,but honestly, it's not. I can't just forget three years of my life Hunter.”
“I'm not asking you to. Stick with the good memories, not the fact that he is dead because no one can bring him back.”
“I wish I could.”
“I wish for wishes to be true.”
“It's weird, I said that yesterday”
“Well, I'm weird.”
“Oh yeah you are”
“Yes I am, royal princess Alexandra.”
“Don’t call me that ever again, it's weird.”
“Okay, I won't.”
“I need to get back to staring at my feet, but I'll talk to you once we have something on the case.”
“Okay, have a nice day."

“You too.”


I still don’t feel like getting off the couch, but instead of staring at my feet, I'm staring at my jacket’s zipper and my shoulder. I'm normally a very active person but every once in a while, I get what I like to call a lazy attack. That one unlucky day/couple of days in a month when I would forget I have a job and certain commitments and just have the day for myself. No worries, nothing to do, just feeling free.

Unfortunately today, I felt like thinking about a few things. A lot is happening-my two friends are feeling terrible, and I don’t know why, I do too.

Alexandra is just missing her husband, but Noah is a whole other story. He is feeling guilty, as he should. I didn’t want to get in between,but I knew what Noah did was wrong. Jonathan made a mistake, it was a horrible one but he apologized  and as his brother, he should forgive him. He didn’t have to witness this day when his brother is about to die to forgive him. That was just wrong of him, but he was hurt. But being hurt doesn’t give people the right to break other people's hearts continuously. I hope that Jonathon would get well soon and Noah would forgive him, they only have each other, they can't lose that too.



I stared at Jonathon while sitting on a chair beside his bed, still nothing happened with him. I'm starting to lose hope that he will get well soon.

“I deserve it Jonathon I know, but please don't punish me like that.”
“You're stronger than me, you can fight through sickness and get well, I need you.”

I can't take it! I just want him to talk to me, it's not that hard.

I heard the door knob clicking and turned back. The door swung open and the male doctor came in followed by Alexandra.

“Good  evening.”

“Good evening.”I replied, trying my best to be polite.

“Has he responded yet?”
“Not really, he's been still.”
“Good thing.”
“I don’t follow,how is that good?”I furrowed my eyebrows.
“He isn’t supposed to respond for a while.”

“So he is fine?”

“Yes he is.”

“You just gave me the best news doctor.”I grinned widely at him and then my eyes caught Alexandra who gave me an *I told you so look*well to be fair, she did tell me so.

All I cared about right now was that my brother is fine and hopefully, he is going to live.

There it is, for everyone who thought Noah was bad, he is just covered in anger and negative emotions. Once you let go of the negativity, you're a whole new person. Also, don't think Hunter is selfless, he just cares for people a tad more than himself. You will get to see things from Alexandra's POV in the next chapter and get to understand why she is positive and sees the darkest things in the best ways they can be viewed.

The Californian Misery Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora