Chapter 19

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“ Alright, this is a big day, everyone remember the instructions, no backing out. We're either getting out of there with him, or dead. And I'd prefer to live until my sister's wedding at least.” I spoke through the microphone while tugging in my shirt and watching Noah do the same.

I then blocked my microphone to speak privately to him.

“ Trust me, we're going to be fine. Don’t worry about anything.”

“I'm not worried, I'm just a little bit tensed. This is huge Hunter. This is not a normal mission.”

“ You my friend, were born for this. Even if it's big, you can do it. We can do it!”

“ Thanks for everything.”

“ Nah, it's nothing.”
“ I'm really thankful for everything you’ve done for me.”

“ You can pay me later, after we get out of here.”

“ I was thinking maybe, a hotdog would be fine.” He shrugged.

“ I only go for the dollars brother.”

“ Dollars it is."

“ Let's go, it's time.”


We did it!

The man that was haunted over the past few years, we caught him. We solved it. He was finally going to pay for his crimes.

I saw Noah's eyes sparkle, their true color showing rather than the darker shade I have always seen. He was happy. I did this, I made my brother happy. I helped him do the only thing he wanted. We captured the man that drove him to hell years ago.

“ We did it Hunter!” Noah jumped at me and expressed his happiness.

“ We did, we did.”I whispered.

“ I can't believe we're out of there alive.” He hugged me and I could feel his tears falling down my shoulders.


“ Mrs. Banks, we were finally able to solve what happened to your husband. You might be shocked after hearing some of the events, but it's important for you to know, since we'll go forward with some court procedures .” Noah told Alexandra, who we called in to share the news with.

He caught her up with our discoveries, and some revelations, while she stayed in silence. After he was finally done, she nodded her head silently.

“ We know you're strong, and that you'll get through this. For now, we would like to invite you, of course if you're comfortable, to celebrate this huge achievement.” I cut in.

“Wait, we need to tell my brother.” Noah informed.

“Why don’t we celebrate with him? It'll be fun. I can call Rose to bring in some fries and cake, anything he likes.”

“ I don’t know, I don’t want to ruin your night besides, the hospital is depressing.”
“ Shut up! I work there.” Alexandra commented.

“ My shift is tonight, if you're going there, I'll join you.” Alexandra added.

“ We don’t want to miss you Alexandra so it is done. Let's go to the hospital.”

“Party!!!!!” I screamed loud, bursting everyone's eardrums.


“ Wussupppppppp?” Noah barged into Jonathon's room, and we saw him sitting on bed watching tv, in an almost dead way.

“ Thank god you came, I was almost dying of boredom in here.”
“ Guess what, I brought in my friends as well.” Noah opened the door wider, so all of us could be visible in sight.

“ Oh, I thought you didn’t have any. ” Jonathon commented sarcastically.

“ That’s good you know? You're getting really better.”

“ Let's get the party started!” most of the people shouted repeating Noah's words until a nurse came up to our door.

“ Would you mind keeping it down? It's twelve in the morning for god's sake!” she requested and pulled on a serious face.

“ Regina… why don’t you join the party?” Noah recognized her and smiled at her.

“ What exactly are you celebrating?”

“ Why don’t you come and  find out?” he smirked and they maintained perfect eye contact.

I guess she agreed since she smiled widely and came inside. I also saw Alexandra come in after a while and stand beside me.

“ Where were you?” I whispered to her.

“ I just had to bring someone in.”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and then heard a voice.

“ Mind if I join the party as well?” I saw her brother Joe standing by the door. If he picked any day other than this one, he and Noah would’ve gotten in a fight but luckily, today is calm.

“ There's always room in a party.” Noah smiled and welcomed him in.


It's been five hours since the party started, everyone was asleep by now except for me and Alexandra. That’s when we decided to roam the hallways of the hospital instead of having to listen to Noah snore.

“ You and your brother. Everything is good?” I killed the silence after almost ten minutes.

“ Well he was right eventually, but not completely. But now, there's nothing to argue about, it's over.”

“What are you going to do?”
“ I might go traveling, sell my house since I won't need a house that big anymore, take a leave for an year or so, discover myself.”

“ That’s cool.”

"What about you?”

“ I'll probably do the same thing I'm doing right now, except that I'm more relieved this time.”

“ That’s good .”

“Everything came back to place after all didn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”
“ Noah hated you, your brother wasn’t cool with us. Noah had issues with his brother, you had issues with your brother over Will. But now, all that is gone. Everything is perfect right now.”

" These are really good things.”

“ I'm really happy with the outcome of this case.”

“ What's so special about it ?”
“ It has more to do with me, I got to work on myself and my happiness.”
“ Great thing”
“ I got to win a friend like you, that’s amazing.”
“ Thank you, I'll take the compliment.”

“ Just don’t get big headed.”

“ It has already started sizing.” She started putting her hand through her head measuring it.

We were now at the door of Jonathon's room and when I opened it to get in, she spoke.

“You're lucky to have Noah .”

“ He's my family.” 

We were both looking at the sleeping figure of Noah that was holding Jonathon's hand.

“ It's nice to have family.”

“ We're all a family Alexandra, even you.”

“ Really?” her eyes glimmered and shined.
“ Of course. You'll be seeing a lot of us the next days, better get used to it.”
“  I won't . We are officially family!” she exclaimed.

“ Yes we are.”

Had to do it like that:) I've been in touch with these characters that I used to get upset about their problems which I created in first place*sighs* Anyways each and every on of themis very special to me and I would love to hear feedback about the book.

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