Chapter 4

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"You didn't have to be rude you know? They were just trying to help" I spoke to my brother, he was seated on a chair facing the window. 

"Help in what Alex?" 

"To find who did that to Will" 

"He was stupid, he owed people money, he was useless, trust me dying is the only thing he did well for you and me" Joe screamed at me. 

"I can't believe you just said that" I spoke softly. 

"I tried to tell you that he wasn't good for you Alex but you loved him. Now that he is dead, it's better for all of us" 

"Leave me alone! Now! " 

"Alex, please don't." he walked closer but I pushed him away. 

"Please leave Joe, I'll see you tomorrow" I tried to maintain my calm but I seriously couldn't, how could he say all this about my husband, my dead husband.. 

"I'll come tomorrow Alex" He walked to the door and opened it, walking away, but my eyes caught two people yelling and shoving at each other.  Hunter and Noah. 

"Oh boy" I ran closer to make sure it was them, and sure enough, it was.

I decided not to interfere, but couldn't forget about it, so I just stood there watching. 

"Enough is enough Hunter, you're not helping in this case" 

"And what?, fighting with her brother is?! Are you serious Noah? The guy was two seconds away from beating the hell out of you" He shoved him lightly. 

"And why do you even care?" 

"We were about to lose him and Alexandra for God's sake" Hunter shouted, again. 

"Oh right, your little friend. Seriously hunter, stop with this girl, it's either her or the case, we don't even know, she could be the one who killed him." He did not just say that. 

"Don't ever talk about her like that" Hunter held his collar, while speaking dangerously. 

"You know it's the truth Hunter, we don't know anything about her or her intentions, you need to stop trusting her just because she reminds you of your mother." 

I watched as Hunter and Noah began throwing punches and fighting and I know I couldn't do anything. Until I saw Joe walking up to see what they were fighting about. 

" That girl is going to bring us down because you're too stupid and you trust her"

"Don't you dare say another word, Alexandra has nothing to do with us" I watched until Joe broke the fight, when he heard them talking about me. 

He pulled them apart, and then faced Noah. 

"Don't you ever talk about my sister" He pointed his finger at him, I walked towards hunter as I saw him extremely bleeding. 

"Are you okay?" 

"It's fine, just a little scratch."

"Let me clean it up for you, come inside" 

"Trust her, and you're gonna sink us both Hunter" Noah yelled as he walked away, what is it with this guy?. 


"This might sting a little bit so stay still" I spoke , holding the cotton piece in my hand. 

"You know I've been shot, stabbed and beaten up before?" Hunter chuckled. 

"Well, fun fact, I didn't, but good to know" we both laughed off. 

"Eaasy" I talked as I slowly lowered the cotton piece onto his skin.

"I'm sorry if it hurts, we're about to get done" I informed as I was about to clean his last wound. 

"It doesn't hurt." Hunter said calmly. 

"Andddd, we're done."I put the cotton piece down. 

"Finally, we're done with the great unending extremely painful torture" Hunter spoke sarcastically. 

"By the way… Thanks for what you said, it really meant a lot that you had my back." 

"Alexandra, no need to thank me, we're friends now. You know… My dad once told me that friends don't last, but it's our job to respect them while they do" 

"So you respect me?" 

"I admire you Alexandra, you remind me of my mother, there's nothing greater than that" 

"How was your father like?" 

"He was a man, a true man, I always looked up to him. When he left, he knew he wasn't going to be back, but he never felt bad about it. He taught me and my sister that sacrifices are made for a good cause." 

"That's why I have this badge" He help up his badge. 

"You worked as an FBI agent to make the world a better place?" 

"Pffft please, we can't make the world a better place, it can just be less evil. My sister is a 911 operative, she is the one who led me umm…. to your.. apartment." He cleared his throat multiple times while he was speaking. 

"You don't have to do that, feel sorry for me, act like I'm fragile. He's gone, and crying won't bring him back." 

"You're strong Alexandra, I promise you, I'll find out who did this to him."

"Is that how your friend normally is? Aggressive?" 

"Noah, oh no, he is way far from that, he is a really comforting guy, it's just.. He has some trust issues because of some things that happened to him." 

"What happened?" 

"Well um, that's a story for another day" 

"I hope that day comes soon" I chuckled. 

"I need to go it's getting late" 

"Yeah, right"  

We both walked to the door when we crossed paths with Joe walking back inside the house.

"What took you so long Joe?" 

"Nothing, i just wanted to make sure he was gone" 

"Umm. Thanks for what you did for my sister, it might make me want to beat you up a little less" 

"A little less?, that's good enough for me" Both Hunter and Joe laughed. 

I hope he was getting to understand that my brother isn't a trouble maker, he just gets worried about me. 

"C'mon Alex, get in, I'll walk him to his car."

"Joe.." I gave him a look, which I hope he understood and got inside. 

As bad as I wanted to look out the window to see what he was about to do with Hunter, I trusted him and hoped he understood Hunter's intentions by now. 

I'll just pray he doesn't give him a swollen eye the size of jupiter by tomorrow, at least I know he can do it.

Joe really did so much for me and my sister, he always knew what was best for us and knew how to protect us. But maybe right now, he is being overprotective, he could get us both into trouble with those agents and I don't want that to happen. They are nice, at least Hunter is, the other guy is a whole different story, he is the ugly version of Hunter, and I don't mean looks wise, he has no respect for other people, I wonder why he even has this job, he seems so selfish to even share food, let alone risk his life for other people. 

Another reason to dislike Noah rolls eyes  He and Hunter fight a lot about work related things although, they always maintain the brotherly bond. And like I said about Noah, this isn't his true self, instead disguised in order to protect himself from what people might have or had in store for him.

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