Chapter 14

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My face was hit by a beam of rays that I could feel heating me up while I was enjoying my happy sleep until after a few seconds, I couldn't. Instead, I felt a shade covering my face. I opened my eyes, fighting the urge to ruin my delightful sleep. I saw a human figure hovering over me.

Why can't they just leave me peacefully in my bed? I closed my eyes and opened them again, he was still there, this time he was saying something that I couldn't perceive. The shade he formed over me was very disturbing and I was about to confront him about it, not until I realized that this isn't my bed nor any corner of my house. I opened my eyes rapidly and saw a police officer.

“C’mon enough time to sleep, you're not allowed to sleep here.”
“I know I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep yesterday, I just meant to stay for a few minutes.”
“Whatever, up you go, and don’t sleep here again.”
“Yeah sure.”
“Scatter, right now.” He instructed.

“Fine, I'm going.”

I saw Noah sitting at his desk and walked up to him. He had a few papers close to him including my notes of Joe's interrogation but he was sleeping instead of actually analyzing them. I took a moment to dream the pleasure of waking him up, in the way I'm thinking of if you know what I mean;) . I sprint to get an icy water bottle, ready to pour it over him.

“Don’t you dare.” I was shocked that he was in the same sleeping state, yet was aware of everything. 

“You just ruined it man.” I placed the water bottle on the desk.
“I wasn’t asleep.”
“You seemed like you were.”
“It's my secret talent, I might look asleep, but I'm actually aware and conscious.”  He still hadn’t moved any part of his body.

“ I desire such a talent, it would be fire.”
“Too bad you cant.” He leaned back on his chair.

“So what were you actually doing?”
“I was chilling, thinking, imagining, whatever people like to call it.”
“Call what exactly? You mean sleeping?”
“ A moment alone, to do whatsoever thing you do in peace and silence and all those things.”
“I get what you're saying. Sadly, it doesn’t have a name.”

“ Disregard it's name, it's nice, and calm.”

"When were you back from the hospital?" 

"I stayed overnight and came straight to work today." 

“So what have you got?”
“I have noodles, and a salad if you like.”
“Not for lunch Noah, not lunch.”
“ Ohhh, I've been going through the papers all day, and there's nothing to tie Marcos to the architect although, his partner seems very suspicious. When is he coming in?”
“ After about an hour.”
“ I don’t know, I feel like he might be into something.”
“We can get him here, but we need an actual thing to keep him here for long.”

“Hear me out, I built a theory”
“We can't work based on theories Noah, we need to find concrete evidence.”
“I know, just listen to me. It's either one of two. Maybe, hypothetically, they both were working with Marcos . We know he steals weapons, but we never knew where he hid them, I checked every single one of the houses they built and sold, only the ones they built were abandoned within a week with no valid reasn. Maybe that’s where he hides his things and he uses their company as a coverup. The records show the houses owned by civilians, but actually no one lives there.”

“Ok, but why kill him now?”
“Maybe he was selling him out and keeping the money for himself. And maybe the victim wasn’t even with them, but when he found out, they killed him. We have lots of options Hunter, you just need to trust me.”
“ Maybe not yet, his lawyers could get through us quick, we need to wait until we could find something he can't object.”
“I don’t think waiting will be good.”
“We have no other option Noah, he's rich.”
“I don’t know, we shouldn’t wait.”
“Just please Noah , don’t mess up anything with this guy. And please just for one time don’t say something u shouldn’t.” my voice came out loud latterly.

“I always think about what I say, what are you talking about?”
“Oh, you think before all of your actions?”
“Yes, of course.”
“ And you don’t jump into conclusions ?”
“ Of course not, what kind of question is that?”
“ And you don’t act stubborn and refuse to admit when you're wrong?”
“Of course I don’t Hunter , do you not know me anymore?”
“Do you know yourself?”
“Fine, it's true.” He snorted annoyed.

“ I thought so too.”
“Shut up Hunter, You're the worst.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” I smirked knowing that it would completely boil him up and showing off my perfectly shaped dimples on both of my cheeks.


Noah and I watched  the door as we were expecting Mr. Fancy brit to come. I was rehearsing some of the key questions, you might think federal agents don’t do that, and that we just shoot the questions straight ahead.

But I learned that some questions could be trigerring to any sort of memory or emotion so, I started analyzing the persons character first, and then suiting my words to their usuals and comfort. Not exactly their comfort, intimidating them comfortably. 

I saw Noah typing a search on his computer and seemed really attentive.

“What are you looking for?”
“I just read the rest of your notes.”
“Okay. And?”
“The storage place.”
“What about it?”

“I think it's it.”
“It? What is it? ”
Suddenly realization hit me.

“ You think so?”
“Yeah, I mean it matches.”
“ If we could tie them together, both cases could be almost solved Noah , do you understand how big this is? ”

“That’s why I started looking as soon as I noticed.”
“Good job man.”

I looked down at my watch. He should have been here an hour ago, according to protocol, if a witness is summoned and was late, an officer is sent to his last known address. I assume some officer has already reached there.

Another hour passes until two police officers barged in, with our witness handcuffed. I noticed his clothes were mud stained, his hand was bleeding it could only lead to one thing.

He was trying to escape.

New revelations in the next chapter to close the gap for any assumption. I wrote this book with all my heart and I hope you like it or understand some of the morals in it. Thank you.

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