Chapter 8

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“You know I didn’t mean it when I told you to die right?”
I looked at Jonathon's lying body, connected to the monitoring machines. This is the first time he didn’t reply when I talked to him. I always hated him so much for what he did that I forgot that one day, he will be gone and there wouldn’t be anyone to blame other than myself.

“Please come back, I promise I will forgive you, just don’t go. I need you Jonathon you're the only one I have left.” I squeezed his palms and hugged them even more. I hope he could feel this,I want him to know that I'm sorry, that I miss him.

“Please, I beg you Jonathon don’t leave me. We can work everything out just please don’t leave me.”
“Noah”I heard someone calling out my name, I hoped it to be my brother but it was Ms.Banks.
Probably not the best time to see her.

“What are you doing here?”
“This is where I work,I should be the one to ask questions who is this?”
“Keep your questions for Hunter,I'm not your friend like him”I scrunched my face, as if I'm annoyed. I don’t really hate her, I just don’t want her to think I'm like Hunter, I'm not willing to be her friend and be nice to her. They always taught us never to trust people, and I shouldn’t trust her.

“What's your problem with me Noah ?”
“You don't get to call me by my first name like your little buddy Hunter over there, and I don’t think we have something to talk about”
“Why do you have so much hatred for everyone. Why can't you just be nice to people?”she scrunched her face in disgust,and that was my breaking point.

“See that right there,”I pointed at my brother who was hooked up to the life support machines. ”That’s my brother and he is dying and I didn’t get to forgive him and have a nice time with him before he dies and that's some people's fault that you don’t need to know about”I speaked loudly and she looked very scared.

“I didn’t know I'm really sorry”

“Your sorry wouldn’t fix anthing and you don’t have to be sorry for me the only thing you can do is care for yourself and leave people alone”I stormed out and she looked really hurt. Honestly,I don’t really care right now…



I saw Hunter sitting on the ground holding a cup of coffee, while burying his face behind his palms.

“You know there are things called chairs right?”I tried to joke lightly.

“I don’t like hospital chairs”  he spoke blankly. Nobody likes them,but that shouldn’t be a reason not to sit on them.

“Mind if I join?”
“Yeah sure,I was getting a little bit lonely anyways”he smiled faintly and then buried his face back again.

“Why are you here?”
“I came with noah”
“I know that, I mean why?”
“His brother is sick”
“I talked to him a while ago”

His face immediately rose and he turned to me

“What did he say? ”
“Well, he burst out at my face,which I don’t really mind.He said something about his sick brother and forgiving him”
“Yeah I thought he would say that”
“Isn’t it time for the story yet? I could use something to make me sleep”
“It’s a dark story Alexandra not a bedtime story.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I want to hear it”

“Alright, just don’t bring it up in front of him”
“Okay,I won't ”I gave him a sheepish smile.

“Three years ago,Noah's sister got killed by his partner she witnessed him during a stolen guns deal, his brother was with her,but he got scared and ran out, she was the one left and she got killed. ”
“Hence,the trust issues” Hunter completed.
“Hence..”he waited for me to complete his sentence”
He had the same smile he put on when he first waited for me to complete his sentence,but it seems to have faded a little.

“What? Potatoes?”

“Forgiving his brother Alexandra. ”
I gave him an ohh look and he kept staring at me.

“You can be really dumb for a nurse. ”
“Nurses don’t actually have to be smart you know?”
“Yes they have to”
“No, I can guarantee that they don't . ”

"Whatever." he rolled his eyes. 

“No but seriously though,I can understand his trust issues and why he doesn’t like me”
“It isn’t reasonable, you're my friend he has no right to talk to you like that”
“Think about it Hunter,he trusted his partner just like he trusts you, one day his own partner betrayed him and killed his loved one. He thinks I will do that to you too, betray you. It's hard to trust people and he probably wouldn’t ever trust me”
“Well I hope you don’t kill my sister, she's 28 she still has a lot to live for”

“Seriously hunter?”
“I'm kidding .I trust people the right amount Alexandra,even you. I'm not overtrusting nor not trusting you enough, it's the right amount.”
“Perfectly balanced,just like all things should be”
“Did you just quote Thanos?”he looked at me like I'm an alien. 

“Well since you know it, it means you already watched the movie”
“You know sometimes I can relate to Thanos”

“Thanos is the bad guy”
“Well if you think about it,he is just as selfish as everyone,he just does the wrong things”
“You're the first one to ever stand up for Thanos ”
“He isn't bad, wiping out half of the universe was wrong, but he wanted the best he wanted a place with haf humans thus, half evil”

“You know he is fictional right?”
“But the moral is true”
“I don’t agree”
“Yeah well, everybody's different”
“That I can agree to”

“How was it like?” he asked.

“Was what like?”
“Growing up alone?”

“I wasn’t alone,I had my brother and my sister”
“You know one day they're going to not be there too right?”
“I hope that day doesn’t come anytime soon. Losing someone you love is hard, it's like choking and not being able to fix it”

“I get that, I miss my mom too”
“Atleast you had a one while growing up”oops!another dark joke,that probably shouldn’t be said.

“You know sarcasm doesn’t fix everything right?”
“Dark jokes do, and that’s why I use them..duh!”
“You can't live your life building it up with jokes that are insulting you. You need to open up sometimes”
“I used to open up to Will,but now he's dead.”
“I guess it's now only me and my sweet little dark jokes isn’t it?”I expected him to answer,but he just looked everywhere other than at me.


“You aren’t gonna say anything?”
“You need to move on Alexandra. I understand that you love him, but right now you are hurting yourself by remembering him everytime and feeling pathetic about his death” Wow!not what I expectd,not at all!!

“Excuse me? It's been like what? Less than a week and you want me to forget him?
“I didn’t say that, just don’t let it break your heart whenever you think about it. ”
“My heart isn’t breaking Hunter, it's perfectly fine.”

“Is it really?” he gave the *I'm not convinced look*
“Yes, it's fine”
“Okay then, I guess the conversation is over, good talk! ” He got up and left, just like that. I can't believe him right now.

Here it is!!! A true emotions chapter. There is much more into peope than what we think. Hunter and Alexandra have this thing, that they seem to understand there is more into each other, and try to help with it. As for Noah, he is a very emotional person especially that he grew up close with his siblings. Losing his sister made him toughen up on the outside but on the inside, he's a huge emotional ball ready to burst and his brother's sickness pulled a trigger and now he has to get it all out.

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