Rest in Peace Dustin, Corey, and Lisa

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Rest in peace, power, and paradise Dustin Higgs.

Dustin was executed for a crime he did not commit. The whole world could've seen it. Yet the government fought long and hard just to make sure an innocent black man was murdered. It's disgusting and heartbreaking. The real murdered, Willis Haynes, signed an affidavit that should have EXONERATED Dustin. Yet our government not only kept Dustin incarcerated, they murdered him in cold blood. Trump and everyone who supports him's disregard for black life is apparent here. Adding to that, Dustin's execution date was January 15, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. Dustin John Highs died this morning at 1:23 AM. Dustin was a great writer, artist, father, son, activist, and human being. Check out the website and instagram below to learn more.

Rest In Peace to Corey Johnson and Lisa Montgomery. Corey was in 10 homes before the age of 12, likely was emotionally manipulated, and was traumatized, he had an intellectual disability. The court refused to look into his intellectual disability, even though it is unconstitutional to kill an intellectually disabled person. Thursday night at around 6 PM, Corey was murdered by the government that neglected him. Our government's ableism and neglect for those who are neurodivergent is disgusting. The fact our Supreme Court didn't stand up for Corey, and for their own decision to make executing those with intellectual disabilities unconstitutional, is frightening and horrible.

Lisa Montgomery had psychosis, complex PTSD, rapid cycling bipolar disorder, and severe dissociation. This came from a lifetime of abuse. Her father began raping her at the age of 11, and his friends would rape little Lisa as well. As an adult she was forced into a marriage with her step brother who raped and abused her. She was forced to have children. This led to the crime she committed. Still, the government fought long and hard to kill her. Lisa was murdered at 1:31 AM Wednesday morning. Our own president, Donald Trump, has countless rape allegation against him. Trump is very similar to the men who traumatized Lisa. Lisa was the only female executed, so they had to put her in an all male facility, in a cell near the death chamber. He pushed for a woman who went through things he has made countless other women go through to be executed, and it's disgusting and unacceptable.

Our government has a severe disregard for black life, neurodivergent and disabled life, and female life. Our government has a severe disregard for life, period.

We need more people to join the fight against the death penalty. We need more people to join the fight for black life.

41.60% of death row inmates are black compared to the 42.15% who are white.

This is systemic racism. You cannot support the death penalty and be an antiracist, it's not possible. That's not how our system is designed. Our system is designed against black life.

The Biden/Harris administration is ending federal death row and encouraging an end to state death row. This is progress, but we still need to fight against the over incarceration of black people and state executions.


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