Black Trans Lives Matter- The Statistics

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I'm going to start off with this- I don't care if someone just being themselves offends you, you should still care about human lives. Your transphobic beliefs do not justify what is happening to these people. They just don't.

I'm not going to add disclaimers on things related to LGBTQ+ rights. I'm just not. I'm not go to apologize that people being themselves offends you. You're the ones keeping these people down. I'm not going to apologize for advocating for a wonderful community of people simply because you may not agree with them.

And if you don't agree, then stick around. Educate yourself. Look some things up. It's never too late to make a change.

41% of black trans people say they have experienced homelessness.


20.33% of black trans people live with HIV, compared to the 0.60% of the general American population.

Think about that. 20.33% compared to 0.60%.

34% of black trans people have an income of under $10,000 per year.

34%. Earn less than $10,000. Per year.

50% of non gender conforming and black trans people report harassment in school.

Really, guys? We can do better. You have no idea how important being nice and learning to expunge your brain of as much bias as possible.

And this. This one seriously just-

49% of black trans people reported attempting suicide. No, not just contemplating (which would still be awful) but attempting.

Let that simmer in your brain.

And at the least, 18 black trans people have been killed in 2020 alone.

Keep in mind that's just the reported cases. The true number? My guess is that it's far worse.

Most victims are victims of gun violence. Black trans women have it the worst.

Brayla Stone.

Dominique "Rem'mie" Fells.

Tete Gulley.

Riah Milton.

These women deserved to live. They deserved a life. They didn't deserve to die.

Dominique was found stabbed with her legs severed. Tete was found hanging in a tree. Tete's case was originally ruled as a suicide (like many other lynchings happening right now.) Riah was shot to death. Brayla's murderer bragged about the fact that he killed her on social media. (I believe she died by gunshot).

We need to talk about this. This problem won't help itself. The people in power are the ones who have to change.

You know what angers me? What angers me is that people are more worried for the people that are offended by transgender and non gender conforming people than the people who are being murdered.

I mean, really?

Listen, beliefs are all fine and good. I believe all people are equal and should not be discriminated against. So, I don't take kindly to racist beliefs. However, racist beliefs harm people. So I have the right to denounce them. Also, being transgender isn't a religious belief. It's an identity. It's not a choice. Transphobic and homophobic beliefs harm people and are choices, therefore they are not valid beliefs. Being transgender harms nobody. At all.

Think about it. Protect the people being offended or protect the people being murdered?

It's a pretty obvious choice. People are people and they don't deserve to be murdered. End of story.

Also there is science behind being transgender. And while I don't think you should need science to understand that people should not be murdered, here it is:

This is very simplified, but that's a quick blurb on the science behind being transgender or non gender conforming

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This is very simplified, but that's a quick blurb on the science behind being transgender or non gender conforming.

There are currently studies being done.

My point is, black transgender people in this country are not free. They are discriminated against in the work place, school, and daily life. Life isn't easy for them. Again, 49% of black trans people report attempting suicide.

This isn't okay.

We need to keep the conversation going.

We must fight for black transgender and non gender conforming people's lives.


And to all of you who are black, transgender, non-binary, gender fluid, demi-boy, or demi-girl (or any other gender identity): You are beautiful. You are a light in our world. You shine brighter than all of the haters combined. You're strong. You're brilliant. I love you. I stand with you.

Justice for Brayla Stone!
Justice for Riah Milton!
Justice for Dominique "Rem'mie" Fells!
Justice for Tete Gulley!


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