Feminism and Black Trans Women

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3,000 trans people have been murdered in the last 11 years.

90% were black trans women.

Black trans and femme women are oppressed by society. They deal with many forms of discrimination: racism, misogyny, transphobia, and homophobia.

Over the span of nine days, six black trans women were murdered. Six.

Brayla Stone- shot in her car
Merci Mack- shot in a parking lot
Shaki Peters- body was found by police
Drayla McCarty- murdered in Baton Rouge
Tatiana Hall- murdered, her name is barely said just like other black trans women who have been murdered
Bree Black- shot outside of her apartment

Also, I'm going to say that if you consider yourself a feminist, you better be standing up for all female lives, not just white cisgender females. Trans women are women. They face sexism and misogyny too. They have it worse though. They gave that on top of transphobia and homophobia. Same goes for non-binary femme presenting people. When it comes to black transgender women and femme presenting people, you need to be saying something. Signing petitions for those lost to get justice. Feminism is about fighting for equality for all women, not just cisgender women and white women. In case you weren't aware, there are more women out in the world than just the cis models on TV. Black trans women exist. They are women. And they are being murdered at extremely high rates.

We're up to 23 deaths.

Muhlaysia Booker was another woman shot dead. A suspect was convicted for beating her up.

Not once on the news have I seen anything on the murder of black trans women. Not once. Granted, I don't watch the news a million times a day like I did at the start of the pandemic. Maybe something was said, but clearly not enough was said.

Just because someone being trans might offend you doesn't mean that they don't deserve justice. Just because trans people are never seen on screen doesn't mean they don't exist. They're being murdered, and the majority are black women.

Black trans women are women. They are also human beings who deserve to be treated with the same respect as others. All black lives matter. All black lives taken should be talked about. Otherwise, how will we stop this incessant killing of black trans women?

I'm starting by sharing petitions, and listening to the voices of black trans and non gender conforming creators. The media is not talking about this enough, and when they do they often misgender and deadname (use the wrong pronouns and birth certificate name) the victims.

These women deserve for their voices to be heard. It's time we make a fuss about this. Because something needs to be done, before another beautiful woman is taken from us.

Justice for Brayla Stone!

Justice for Merci Mack!

Justice for Shaki Peters!

Justice for Daya McCarty!

Justice for Tatiana Hall!

Here's a bunch of petitions to sign!

Black Lives Matter- research and awarenessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें