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Elijah McClain, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Gardner, Trayvon Martin, Tete Gulley, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice...

The list goes on and on. Police brutality and racism has killed countless Black people over the years.

Now, we're rising up and taking a stand against systematic racism. Members of the Black community and allies alike are fighting for freedom. Support is coming in from all corners of the world, but how do we keep this movement alive? How do we make sure it doesn't leave the spotlight even after the media moves onto something else?

Well, education is a big part of the solution. As well as signing petitions, donating, and voicing our opinions. So I've created this book: Black Lives Matter- Research and Awareness.

I'd like to thank every single one of you who has done this, for you've inspired me to do the same. Thank you for being vocal and educating yourselves. You deserve a huge thank you.

In this book, I'll be touching on many subjects, such as police brutality, Black history, education, and systematic racism to list a few.

I'll be updating whenever I can, and most often I'll be posting things on my conversations board. Later today I'll be posting about Black LGBTQ+ lives, the struggles of being Black and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and some amazing historical figures you should know.

So to all of my Black readers- you're beautiful. Stay strong. I love you all so much and please stay safe.

And to anyone who has protested- thank you so much. You're putting yourself at risk to make our voices heard. Thank you.

(If any of you have social media, use the tags #thankyouprotesters and #thankourprotesters to spread some appreciation)

I am a white creator, and I might mess a few things up. Call me out if that happens! This is a time for me to learn, and I would rather mess up and learn now than at an older age.

I hope you find this piece helpful and educational. I hope I inspire you to take action.

Have a wonderful day/night wherever you are ❤️


Black Lives Matter- research and awarenessWhere stories live. Discover now