Police Refrom Part 2- Abolish the Police

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It has been brought to my attention recently that talking about defunding the police simply isn't enough. I also have been curious as to see what sorts of things funding would go to instead, and where the power that we take from law enforcement goes.

Abolish the Police- The dissolving of police networks into social services that would rid us of over incarceration of prisons, the criminalization of Black and Brown communities, and police violence. These social services would be more equipped to help those struggling with homelessness, addiction, and help intervene with problems that would otherwise escalate with our current policing system. This means that when you call for help, appropriate services that are specific to your needs will come and help instead of a bunch of armed officers. The only power left to police would be homicides, shootings, and serious crime. However, law enforcement is not allowed to use violence and will not get away with the killing of citizens. Not to mention that the killing of Black people for doing everyday activities such as walking, jogging, sleeping, and buying iced tea will never be tolerated.

After seeing quotes from experts, I've compiled them all into this definition. However this won't entirely cover it, naturally. I'm breaking it down into three parts: the 8 to Abolition plan, the services that will be offered in place of the police, and what the "policing" that is left will look like.

To touch on my previous chapter, whatever law enforcement system we have left after abolishing police would need far more background checks and training. Even when police are called when another social service is not appropriate, we cannot allow white supremacy within the policing group that remains.

Earlier I mentioned the tactics for police reform, however I did not give you much detail when mentioning that new services would be given the power that we want to take from law enforcement..

Defunding the police is only one side of the coin. The other side is police abolition. You can't just take money away from police. You have to take away power and redistribute it in ways that will benefit all of society.

    8 to Abolition
    1. Defund the police- take monetary power from the police, and slash the budget until it reaches zero. Repeal the law enforcement part of the Bill of Rights.
    2. Demilitarize communities- Disarm officers, end policing that targets Black and Brown communities, and no more law enforcement access to private patient information. No more participation in military police programs, prohibit global training exchanges, and repeal laws that excuse police misconduct.
    3. Remove police from schools- No more ties of education and police, urge the repeal of truancy laws, and the removal of the zero tolerance policy (the policy that says punishment despite the child's home, mental, or any other situation that someone needs to help them out with.)
    4. Free people from jails and prisons- free all people from involuntary confinement (starting with the disabled, held on parole violations, the aging, the immunocompromised) such as jails, prisons, psychiatric wards, and nursing homes No we're not saying we're going to release serial killers or anything. We're dissolving the over incarceration of our prison systems which are biased against people of color. We want to close local jails. We want to release those who's punishment was wrong and not helpful for them. We want to free those from immigration detention centers and to let immigrants who have been deported come home.
    5. Repeal laws that criminalize survival- Repeal laws against people involved in sex trades, drug trades, and street economies. Repeal ordinances that criminalize the usage of public areas for sleeping, camping, loitering, soliciting, and public urination and defacation. If someone is contacted due to a situation listed above, the police are not to be deployed and are not considered an appropriate response.
    6. Invest in community self-governance- Promote representation in community councils, invest in multilingual services to help immigrants seeking asylum, and invest in community based resources according to needs that prioritize those in marginalized groups. Invest in returning land to indigenous communities. Invest in non-carceral violence prevention, intervention, and organizations that support and teach building healthy relationships.
    7. Provide safe housing for everyone- No more rent with the burden of repayment during the COVID-19 pandemic, repurpose abandoned buildings (i.e. apartments, houses, hotels) to house the homeless, provide support for asylum seeking and refugee communities, repeal discriminatory laws and make public housing accessible for anyone (despite race, gender, sexuality, or history of incarceration), support community land trusts for Black communities and historically displaced communities. Survivors of gendered violence are to have a safe space to go to should their current living space become unsafe. Provide housing that is non coercive to queer and trans youth who are experiencing rejection and abuse from their families.
    8. Invest in care, not cops- Provide funding for non-coercive mental healthcare, wellness resources, non-coercive drug and alcohol help, neighborhood based trauma centers, peer support, and training for healthcare professionals.  Invest in teachers, counselors, support for all family structures, and universal childcare. Invest in free, accessible public transportation. Abolish using property taxes to determine school funding. Add gender inclusive bathrooms that are safe and sanitary. Invest in farms, community based food banks, grocery cooperatives, and gardens.  Ensure that public transport is free to everyone, including marginalized groups and lower income families. Invest in youth programs that teach safety, community care, and learning.

The Proposed Social Services
The 8th part of 8 to Abolition pretty much explains what these social services would entail, however I'll just list them here for you:

1. Mental healthcare services that are properly equipped to help in mental health crises
2. Intervention
3. Alcohol/drug abuse help and services
4. Housing for the homeless
5. Services for immigrants seeking asylum
6. Services that are deployed instead of police in minor situations, or ones that a police response is not appropriate for.
7. Free pubic transport
8. Safe options for queer/trans youth that are facing abuse.
9. Safe options for those who have experienced gendered violence.

So, What Happens to the Police?
The police are only appropriate in very serious situations (i.e. shootings, armed robberies, extremely dangerous things.) Most of the time they are reporting to situations in which another service is far more helpful. Police shouldn't be the ones responding to homelessness, substance abuse, mental health crises, traffic issues, the mild annoyances of racist white people, etc. Whatever "police" like system is left is only going to be used when it is absolutely appropriate.

What "law enforcement" is left will not allowed to carry weapons, and will not be allowed to "personalize" where they patrol (also known as not tolerating racist officers who choose to patrol Black and Brown communities and militarize them wrongfully). Whatever officers we have left will not have the power of immunity and violence will not be tolerated.

We want to dissolve the police and work on actually providing help instead of over incarcerating our prisons. We want to help improve lives and make our communities safe. We want to provide services that actually protect people. Services that people are not afraid to turn to and that people trust. Services that will make the world a better place.

If any part of this is confusing, or is something that makes you skeptical, I'll gladly elaborate one the importance of that part. I'd also read the sources below for better understanding if a part of this is something you disagree with. Better yet, look up why doing (insert policy you are skeptical or hesitant about) is important. This piece obviously doesn't explain it all in perfect detail. It's only about a 1200 word explanation. That obviously won't fit everything. Anyways, just let me know what you want me to touch on in more detail, I'll gladly give it my attention! I found that doing this piece was very educational for me, and I'd encourage you all to stay open minded and do research when necessary. Also, I have the 8 to Abolition website link below. I'd highly encourage you taking a read through. I'll also put the link in the comments.

Stay safe! I love all of you beautiful human beings!

- Nova

This link explains all of the parts of 8 to Abolition in full detail. I mostly paraphrased, so I'd highly suggest taking a read through for yourself.



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