Justice for Breonna Taylor and More

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This is a bit of a long post for conversations, and it's an important one (all of them are, but this is long enough to be a post, I'm going to send the grand master list of all of the petitions I've signed soon).
    As you may know, Breonna Taylor has yet to receive justice. The night of March 13th, Breonna was asleep when officers raided her home with a no knock warrant. Her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, shot the police in the leg. They responded by firing shots into the house, hitting Breonna eight times while she was asleep. Yet, she has not received justice. The officers have not faced consequences. We have to continue fighting for Breonna. Her life mattered. Don't stop saying her name. Breonna deserves justice. Here are some links to help out:





Also, check out these ads airing in Kentucky to pressure the police department to make the officers who murdered this beautiful human being face consequences.

    On that note, let's talk about Hakim Littleton. Hakim's friend was being arrested by the police. Hakim shot at the police and missed. The police forced him into the ground and shot him multiple times, execution style. Hakim's life mattered, and he deserves justice. The Detroit Police Department has a long history of racism, violence, and ignorance. They rammed into protestors with an SUV. The Detroit PD has been exposed for planting drugs on innocent black people and then incarcerating them. This is disgusting. They are one of the most violent police departments in the country. Let's not allow them to turn a blind eye this time. Justice for Hakim Littleton, and to all those who have been hurt by the Detroit PD!


(Also, make sure to sign up for updates and check out all of the active campaigns!)

Chavis Carter was shot by police after they found weed under his white friend's seat and ten dollars worth in his pocket. While he admitted to selling it in 2011, he was the only one detained out of the three. Chavis was put into the back of the cop car. Then he was shot in the temple. Chavis didn't deserve to be shot just for selling a bit of weed. Chavis should be alive. Justice for Chavis Carter!

Finally, Sean Worsley is a 33 year old black veteran who now suffers from chronic back pain and PTSD. This Purple Heart veteran was prescribed medical marijuana to help relieve him. It's legal in most states, but at a gas station in Alabama, the police arrested Sean. He's now facing five years in prison. He had marijuana to help him. He was a solider who fought for us all. Sean deserves to be free and home with his family. Justice for Sean Worsley!

    Black lives matter. We need to keep fighting and sharing petitions and playing our part until everyone gets justice. Until every police officer, vigilante, and white supremacist faces consequences for what they've taken from the world. Until laws are passed and reform is no longer a hashtag but a reality.

    Also, here's a longer, more detailed explanation of the murder of Breonna Taylor for you to send to those who may not know about it. Justice for Breonna Taylor!

Subject: #JusticeForBre

Breonna Taylor was an award-winning EMT and first responder in Louisville, KY, who loved helping her patients and her community. "She was an essential worker. She had to go to work," her mother, Tamika Palmer said of her dedication to standing on the frontlines of this pandemic. "She didn't have a problem with that."

On the night of March 13th, the Louisville Metro Police executed a warrant, looking for drugs they never found, reportedly trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or in her complex-and whom they already had in custody.

They sprayed her home with 20 rounds, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her in her bed.

Neither the Louisville Metro Police nor Mayor Greg Fischer have given her mother any answers. "Not one person has talked to me. Not one person has explained anything to me," Tamika Palmer, Taylor's mother, said in an interview. "I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There's no reason Breonna should be dead at all."

Will you join me in signing the petition demanding justice for Breonna?


    I love you all. You're all beautiful, stay safe, and keep being as strong as you all are. Remember that you matter, and what you do matters, and that you're valued. You're loved.

    Wishing you a lovely rest of your day/night,

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