7 Minutes in Heaven With My Crush

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's Saturday, which means I have some free time. Anyhow, I'm at home, reading some fanfiction on my laptop. While I was reading, I took glimpses of some articles on the net and I'm listening to music on my Ipod. I've been enjoying my time for a while and suddenly my cellphone rang. I was startled and thought, 'Who could it be?'. I stopped reading and got out from my chair. I looked inside my backpack and finally I found my phone. When I turned it on, I saw my bestfriend's name and that is Hiro Hamada. We've been bestfriends ever since I moved here at San Fransokyo and the best part he is also my next-neighbor which is so cool. But over the past months, I had a crush on him and I can't stop thinking about it although I don't know how to tell him. Anyhow, I smiled when I saw his name on my phone and answered, "Hello Hiro". "Hey (Y/N)!", he said with glee. I giggled and asked, "So, how's it going?". "I'm alright and I called you because I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me and our friends. Does it sound good?", he said and asked. I smiled widely and answered, "Yeah! I would love to! Be there in a jiffy". He chuckled on my response and said, "Great! See you there! Bye!". "Bye, Hiro", I said and hang up my cellphone. I smiled and rushed to my closet to get ready.

Moments later, I'm already prepared and I head downstairs. I say goodbye to my parents and went outside the house. I breathed in and out then I head straight to Lucky Cat Cafe which is next-door. I opened the cafe doors and there are lots of customers as usual. While I was looking around, I saw Aunt Cass doing her daily work. I smiled and head straight upstairs so I can find Hiro and my friends namely, Honey, Gogo, Wasabi and Fred. Anyhow, I arrived upstairs and saw my friends watching TV. I smiled and said, "Hey guys!". They were surprised at my sudden entry. Honey got up and exclaimed, "(Y/N)!". She rushed to me and gave me a hug. I giggled and hugged back then I responded, "Hi Honey Lemon". We let go and the rest came forward and greeted me, "Hey (Y/N)!". I turned to them and said, "Hi". "Man, it's good to see you again!", Fred exclaimed and ruffled my hair. I chuckled and suddenly I realized something. I looked around the living room because someone is missing here. While I was looking, Wasabi noticed my gestures and asked, "Watcha lookin' for (Y/N)?". I was startled by that question and answered honestly, "I'm...looking for Hiro". All of them looked at each other and smiled. They turned to me again and they gave me a look. I was confused but suddenly I heard someone coming upstairs. I turned to see Hiro who arrived by the staircase. I blushed and I heard Gogo said, "Speaking of". The rest of the guys and gals chuckled then I turn to Hiro and said, "Hey Hiro". He looked at me with a smile that shows his gap and said, "(Y/N)! You're here! Perfect!". He came towards me and gave me a hug. I smiled and hugged back. We let go and Hiro said, "Well, now that we are all complete. What should we do first?". All of us started to think of what activity we should do. We've been thinking for at least 2 minutes and suddenly Honey spoke, "I have an idea!". All of us turned to Honey Lemon and Fred said, "What is it, Honey?". "Let's play 7 minutes in heaven!", she exclaimed. The rest cheered with excitement and Hiro said, "Hmm...that sounds like a great idea. Let's do it!". I was left blushing and thought, '7 minutes in heaven. Man, I heard about this game but never played it. I have a certain feeling about this and I can't wait!'. All of us sat in a circle and Hiro got a medium box. "Guys! Get one object from your bag and as for Hiro you get one object here at your place", Honey said. We nodded and stood up to find the object we need. Afferwards, we place our object inside the box and all of us sat together which will form like a circle. Once we are done, Honey got a plastic bottle for some reason. "Okay, guys! As you can see I have a bottle here", Honey said and all of us nodded. "I'm gonna spin the bottle inside the circle which means our circle", Honey explained. We nodded and Fred said, "Yeah! Let's go!". Honey places the bottle and Gogo spinned the bottle pretty fast. I was amazed how fast Gogo spinned the bottle. Anyhow, all of us watched the bottle for a while and suddenly it's slowing down. Moments later, the bottle is pointed to me. I gasped softly and thought, 'The bottle pointed at me...oh my'. Honey looked at me and said, "Well, looks like your first (Y/N)!". I scratched the back of my neck and said, "Y-yup...hehe". I stood up and walked towards the box. I dipped my hand inside the box and grabbed something big. I pulled it out and it looks like I got Hiro's megabot. I blushed and thought, 'H-Hiro's megabot...that means...'. I looked at Hiro and thought, 'Hiro and I are going inside the closet'. Honey stood up and asked, "So, whatcha got there (Y/N)?". I blushed even more and showed Hiro's megabot to Honey. She squealed softly and said, "Oh my goodness! You chose Hiro! Well, you know what that means!". I gulped and I saw Hiro standing up. "You guys are going inside the closet together for 7 minutes!", Fred exclaimed and everyone else cheered. I looked at Hiro and I saw him blushing. "Okay, you two. On to the closet you go", Gogo said and lead Hiro and I to the closet. Both Hiro and I are inside the closet and Gogo closed the door. 'Man...good thing we fit inside the closet', I thought and sighed. "You only got 7 minutes! Have fun you two!", Wasabi said. I blushed and looked at Hiro. Both of our bodies are nearly touching and I thought, 'And most of all I'm alone with Hiro inside the closet'. Now that I think about it, I think it's the right time to tell him. I gulped and thought couragement inside me then I breath in and out. I was about to speak until Hiro spoke, "(Y/N). There's something I wanted to tell you". My eyes widened a bit and said, "Oh..I was about to tell you something too. Hehe". "Really? Then you go first", he said. "No, you go. I insist", I replied. He chuckled and said, "Okay, I will". He exhaled and said, "We've been best friends for a long time. Like, for 6 months". I nodded and he continued, "And I'm glad that I met you cause you are nice, smart, friendly and most of all you are so pretty but sometimes you can be adorable at times". I blushed and thought about what is happening right now. Hiro blushed and said, "Overall, I also had a feeling towards you and I can't stop thinking about it". I stayed silent and he continued, "What I am trying say is that, (Y/N)...I-I". He stopped for a moment with a bright blush on his face then suddenly Hiro hugged me. I was surprised at his actions and finally he said, "I love you, (Y/N)". My eyes widened and thought, 'Hiro is in love with me. All this past months he had the same feeling'. "I had a crush on you since we first met and I've been thinking about it until now", he confessed. I smiled widely and returned the hug. "Hiro", I said. "Yes?", he asked. "You have no idea how happy I am right now because I love you too, Hiro!!", I confessed with joy. I could feel Hiro smile and he hugged me tighter. He let me go slowly and caressed my cheek. Both of us smiled and suddenly Hiro brought his lips into mine. I closed my eyes gently and relaxed into the kiss. The kiss was sweet and soft which I gladly enjoy. We let go for a while and kissed again. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. We exchanged kisses over and over then between them we giggled in response. Our moment was going so well but suddenly the closet door was opened. Both of us let go and turned to see none other than our friends. Both of our eyes widened and our cheeks are flushed. "Congrats! Eekk! I knew you guys make a cute couple", Honey squealed. Both me and Hiro looked at each other and smiled. "Anyhow, your time is up. That's 7 minutes already", Fred said. Hiro looked at me for a moment then suddenly Hiro turned to everyone and said, "Give us a few minutes". I looked at Hiro surprisingly and Gogo asked, "What? Another few minutes?". "Yup! See ya!", he said and closed the closet door then he locked so no one would interrupt the moment. He looked at me and grab my waist. "Woah...hehe", I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Now, where are we....oh yeah", he said and kissed me again. I chuckled and both of us exchanged kiss for the next few minutes.

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