You're So Cute!

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today is Friday and it's time for school, again. I just arrived at school like a few hours with my friends. Recently, we were doing quite a lot of stuff and it was totally worth it but a bit stressing. Anyhow, I was in Class 1-A and we just finished our language class. Our next thing to do was, we are free to head to the lab so we can work on our inventions or experiments. I stood up from my desk and stretched my arms. Then, I looked at the seat beside me and my seatmate wasn't there. My seatmate was Hiro Hamada, who happens to be my best friend. We met ever since we became neighbors and he was a cool guy. He can build robots, inventions and can create ideas with his mind. I also had a crush on him but I don't know how to tell or show it at all. Anyhow, I gasped and thought, 'Hiro? He went ahead, didn't he'. I smiled and left the classroom in a flash.

I finally arrived at the Ito Ishioka Robotics Lab and went inside immediately. I greeted some professors and students along the way. I was about to find my best friend but suddenly someone exclaimed, "Oh my gosh!". Then, the person who screamed went outside the lab room panting for some air and I totally recognize that person. That was my good friend Frank Johnson. He was intelligent and sometimes he can be quite an amusing guy although he can be clumsy at times. Oh and he wears glasses. Anyhow, Frank noticed me and said, "(Y/N)!". I ran towards him and said, "Frank. What's going-". I stopped when I saw some smoke coming from his lab. 'So, this where the sound came from', I though and raised an eyebrow. I looked at him and said, "What happened here, Frank?". He scratched the back of his neck and said, "Oh...about that". He looked at his lab and sighed. "Umm...can you come here for a moment?", he asked and looked at me with a smile. I nodded and went inside with him. When I got in, I saw a boy with black messy hair who is around 5-6 years old and he is just drawing something from his notebook. I was silent and suddenly the boy noticed my sudden appearance. He smiled and said with joy, "(Y/N)!". The boy got up from his seat and ran towards me. I looked down to see the boy. I gasped and thought, 'Hold on. This boy looks so familiar and also how does he know my name?'. I kneeled down and asked with a smile, "Hello. What is your name?". He smiled brightly and answered, "It's me! Hiro Hamada! Your bestfriend!". My eyes widened at his answer and I looked at Frank. "Frank...what happened to him?", I asked and looked at Hiro in his child form. Frank sighed and told me everyhing what happened earlier.

It started when Hiro just left the classroom. He went to the lab as usual for making inventions again. He spend his quality time at the lab for a while and afterwards he decided to take a break by walking around the lab to see what everyone were doing lately. He spotted Frank, doing his usual chemistry experiment. He decided to pay a visit since both of them were friends afterall. When he got in and was about to approach him, Frank screamed when he saw a cockroach hanging out. While he was screaming, he accidently pushed the table and the one he was working, which was a container with gas, fell on the ground then he was running around the lab finding a broom. When the container landed on the ground, the cover was open and the gas is coming out. With that, the gas infected Hiro as a result. Finally, Frank smashed the cockroach and he was doing a little victory dance. But then he realized that his work was on the ground and that left him sighing. When he was about to pick up his work, he saw a boy laying on the ground. He wasn't sure why is he here so he decided to ask his name. When he answered, he said his name was Hiro Hamada. Frank was shocked that his friend was infected by the gas that he was working on. The gas that Frank made was suppose to make a living thing young again. With that, Hiro was a little upset but Frank said he'll think of a way how to change him back. That ends Frank's story.

I nodded and said, " long is the antidote, Frank?". Frank placed a finger on his chin and answered, "It might take a while. Maybe you should look after Hiro while I'm making the antidote". I nodded and looked at Hiro with a smile. 'So, this what Hiro looks like when he was small. I can't help but hug him', I thought. Hiro turned to me and smiled like a bright kid. I giggled and gave Hiro a big hug. "I can't believe I'm saying this but aww! You look so cute and adorable, Hiro!", I squealed and rubbed his soft cheek. Hiro blushed and just hugged back. I chuckled and continued hugging Hiro.

*Hours Later...*

School was over and I'm holding Hiro's small hand while we are walking back to Lucky Cat Cafe. I told mom that I'm gonna stay with Hiro for a while until he is back to normal. I smiled and looked at Hiro. "So...Hiro. How's it like when you are like 5 years old again?", I asked. He looked at me with his brown eyes and answered, "It feels like I'm a kid again". I giggled and patted his head likely but before we head to Lucky Cat Cafe.

When we got there, I was carrying my bag then we saw Aunt Cass and she was shocked when he saw Hiro. Luckily, I was able to tell her what happened and she totally understands the situation. I smiled and Aunt Cass said, "Aww..Hiro! You look so cute!". She hugged Hiro and I giggled at her actions. Afterwards, both me and Hiro head upstairs.

When we arrived, Hiro just went to the couch to watch some TV. I placed my bag in Hiro's room and joined him at the living room. I sat at the couch beside him and took a glance of him. He was smiling and enjoying himself. I can't help but hug him again cause' he is so irresistible. I decided to scoot closer to him and plan to hug him. I was about to hug him but instead he hugged me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and said, "Got you! Hehe". I was shocked at his sudden actions but I hugged him back. I giggled and said, "Yup! You've got me, Hiro. Hehehe". He giggled and I decided to tickle him for fun. "Hahahahahaha! (Y/N)-chan! Stop it! Hahaha!", he said and chuckled. I giggled and said, "Oh your so cute when you call me chan, Hiro-kun!". He kept on laughing then he tickled my sides just to return the favor. "Hahahaha! Hiro! Hahaha!", I said and chuckled. Our tickle fight lasted like 2 minutes and afterwards we stopped just to catch our breath. We were laughing for a moment and moments later it disappeared. I gave him a warm a hug and he returned it gently with a smile on his face. We stayed like this for a while and suddenly Hiro spoke, "Hey (Y/N)?". "Yes?", I asked and giggled at his adorable voice. He let me go and I saw his blushing face. "There's something I wanted to tell you...", he said. "What is it?", I asked. He was silent for a moment then he looked at me in a adorable manner and said, "I love you!". I gasped and thought, ' love me back. I can't believe this'. I was about to speak but suddenly someone spoke, "(Y/N)! Hiro! I've found the antidote!". We turned to see Frank and he's holding some kind of spray. "Frank!", both me and Hiro exclaimed. Frank walked towards us and said, "Hiro. I'm gonna spray this antidote on you. Don't worry I already test it out and it worked!". Hiro nodded and Frank sprayed him. Afterwards, the gas disappeared and both of us saw Hiro's usual 14 year old form. I smiled and Frank exclaimed, "Yes! Success!". Hiro turned to Frank and said, "Thanks, Frank". "Your'e welcome", Frank said and ruffles Hiro's hair. I smiled and thought, 'Hiro is back to normal finally. Also, I'm gonna miss how adorable Hiro was in his child form'. Frank said goodbye and head downstairs. We waved goodbye and there was silence. Then, Hiro turned to me and gave me a hug. I blushed slightly, since he is back to normal, and asked, "Hiro?". He looked at me with a loving smile and brought his lips into mine. My eyes widened and began to relax into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. We let go and I finally confessed, "I love you too, Hiro". He smiled while showing the gap of his teeth and gave me another kiss. I giggled and kissed back. We exchanged kisses and suddenly he leaned me slowly. I noticed and it ended up me laying on the coach while Hiro is on top of me. We giggled and continued exchanging kisses. We've stayed like that for a while then we let go so we can have some air. I smiled and stroked his messy hair while he caressed my cheek. "I love you, (Y/N)", he said and kissed my cheeks. I giggled and answered, "I love you too, Hiro". "Will you be my girlfriend", he asked. "Of course", I answered simply. He smiled and I said, "Seriously Hiro, you're still cute. Hehehe". He blushed slightly and said, "Oh? You know, I'm not the only one who's cute here". I was wondering for a bit and asked curiously, "Really? Who?". He smiled lovingly and answered, "You". I blushed in response then he leaned in for another loving kiss and I returned it gently.

Hiro Hamada X Reader Oneshots~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora