Can I Have This Dance?

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today is Friday and I was awake from the shiny bright light from the sun. I block the light my hand and started to get up gently. I yawned softly and stretched my arms up and wide. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I looked at myself on the mirror and smiled gently. 'Well...what a lovely Friday morning', I thought and went outside the bathroom. When I got out, I heard my alarm clock ringing beside my bed. I was wondering why is it ringing but I turned off the alarm anyways. 'That's odd', I thought and checked the time on my alarm clock. 'It's 6:00 AM. Looks like I woke up before 6', I thought and sighed soflty. After that, I head downstairs so I can my delicious breakfast.

*An Hour Later*

After breakfast, I finally got ready for school as usual. I wore my usual t-shirt and leggings with shorts. I checked myself before I go and said my 'goodbyes' to my parents. I smiled and went outside the house. When I got out, I saw Hiro going out aswell next door. I smiled even more and exclaimed, "Hiro!". He noticed me and gave me a big wave with a smile on his face. He ran towards me and gave me a big hug. "Good morning, (Y/N)! How are you today?", he said and asked. I hugged him back gently and giggled. "I'm alright as usual. What about you?", I said and we let go slowly. He scratched the back of his neck and blushed slightly. "Same here! Anyways, shall go to school together?", he asked in a gentle tone. I nodded in delight and said, "Sure!". He hold my hand and started running. I blushed but I still smiled and started running as well.

We finally arrived at school and we went inside the school building. When we got inside, I saw our friends just standing there talking with each other. "Hiro, I can see Honey, Gogo, Wasabi and Fred from here", I said. "Yup! Let's go", he said and both of us approached them. Our friends noticed our arrival and the one who spoke first was Fred. "Hey guys!", Fred exclaimed and gave us a group hug. I laughed softly and said, "Mornin' Fred". He let go and Honey squeeled, "Hi guys! You know it's nice seeing you two together!". I gasped softly and turned to Hiro. He looked at me aswell and both of us blushed instantly. Honey giggled and said, "Anyway, guys I have this awesome idea that all of us can do after school!". "What is it, Honey?", Gogo asked and tapped her foor. "I'm planning a sleepover back at my place for all of us. Would like to come, guys?", Honey said and asked. All of us looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "Sure! Sounds fun", Wasabi said and smiled. "Yeah! It's been a while since all of us had a sleepover", I said with excitement. "Great! The time for the sleepover is after school. I'll be waiting guys!", Honey said. We nodded and waved goodbye to each other. I'm left with Hiro and I said, "Well, shall we head to class, Hiro?". He turned to me and said, "Sure, let's go".


School is over and all of my classmates head outside the classroom in a flash. I finally fixed my stuff in my backpack and I'm just waiting for my bestfriend. Afterwards, Hiro walk towards me and said, "Ready to go?". I nodded with a smile and both of us got outisde the classroom. While both of us are walking, we were greeted by other students and we greeted back  with a smile. Anyways, we arrived at the front door of the school and finally head outside the school. When we got out, we saw our friends waving at us. "Hiro! (Y/N)! Over here!", Fred exclaimed with excitement from a distance. Both of us smiled and ran towards them. "Alright, let's meet at my house and don't forget your stuff guys, kay?", Honey said and gave us a thumbs up. We nodded and all of us parted ways.


An hour has passed and I finally got my stuff for the sleepover. Right now I'm waiting for Hiro so both of us can head there together. I've been waiting for a while but suddenly the cafe doors are open. I turned to see Hiro with a bag on his shoulder and Baymax behind him. I smiled and said, "Hi Hiro...and Baymax!". I looked at Baymax and Hiro chuckled softly. "Hello (Y/N). It's been a while since we've seen each other", Baymax said and I gave him a warm hug. "'s been a while", I said and let go slowly. I looked at Hiro and asked, "Are you all set?". He nodded and answered, "Yup, let's go!". Then, the three of us started walking to Honey Lemon's place.

We arrived at Honey's place safely in a flash and good news is that there is no traffic today which is relieving. Anyhow, the three of us approuched the front door and I was the one who knocked on the door. Like a 10 seconds, the door was opened by Honey Lemon. "You're here and you brought Baymax. Perfect!", she said and the three of us got inside her house. When we got in, the stereo was playing some music. I smiled and thought, 'Wow, I guess they started having fun'. I saw Fred, Wasabi and Gogo dancing in the living like wild. I laughed softly and Honey said, "I'm glad you guys made it just in time. You guys place your stuff down first beside the couch and let's dance!". Honey screemed like it's no tomorrow and started dancing. When I turned to Hiro, I saw him chuckle and he looked at me as well. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Anyways, both of us placed our bags down beside the couch just like Honey said. Then afterwards, both me and Hiro were on the dance floor where everyone is dancing. We watched them for a while then suddenly my arm was being pulled on the middle of the dancefloor. I turned to see Honey with a cheerful smile on her face. "Come on (Y/N)! What are you standing there for? Let's groove on!", she said and continued dancing. I laughed and started to make some dance moves. "Yeah! You got it, (Y/N). Go! (Y/N)! Go!", she said and danced some more through the music. I laughed and performed some danced moves I know. Gogo saw me and cheered for me aswell. I smiled and danced some more then I saw Baymax dancing as well doing a robot dance. I laughed and said, "Go Baymax!". Baymax turned to me and said, "Thank you, (Y/N). You also have nice moves". "Oh thanks", I answered and continued dancing. While I was dancing, I realized something that I forgotten about. 'Wait a minute...where's Hiro? I almost forgot about him', I thought and started looking around the dancefloor while I'm dancing. Then moments later, I found him dancing as well. My eyes widened and thought, 'Hiro is dancing! No way and he got some smooth moves'. He noticed that I was looking at me and smiled brightly. I was startled but I blushed instantly while I was dancing with a smile. Hiro danced towards me and grab my hands. "Woah!", I said and started to laugh. He let go and both of us danced the night away. He chuckled and showed one of his dance moves. I laughed in response and said, "Wow...nice moves, Hiro". He blushed and answered, "Why thank you, (Y/N)". We've been dancing for a while but suddenly a slow song was playing. Both of us stopped dancing and looked at our surroundings. It looks like everyone stopped dancing and I saw Honey squeeling for some reason. I looked at Hiro then suddenly I saw Hiro offering his hand in front of me. "I-um...can I have this dance, (Y/N)?", he said shyly. I blushed like a tomato and answered softly, "Oh...sure, Hiro". I took his hand and both of us got in to dancing position.

He placed his arm around my waist while his other arm is on my hand. I held his hand gently and placed my arm on his shoulder then Hiro brought our bodies a bit close and I blushed even more. 'Oh my...our bodies are so close', I thought. My mind was going wild until I was interrupted by a sweet voice, "Hey (Y/N)?". I was startled for a split second and said, "Yes?". "You alright?", he asked. I smiled brightly and said excitedly, "Yeah! Yeah! Shall we dance?". He giggled on response and nodded then we started dancing slowly. We danced through the flow of the music. The music that was playing was 'Can I Have This Dance' from a movie which involves singing and dancing. 'Wow...Hiro sure knows how to dance', I thought and smiled then continued dancing with Hiro. We swayed and I was being twirled a couple of times. It feels like eternity for a moment then suddenly Hiro spoke, "Hey (Y/N)?". "Yeah?", I asked. He paused for a moment by making my twirl again then he spoke again, "There's something I wanted to show you". I blushed thinking about it but I answered, "Oh okay, what is it? Is it a dance move?". He giggled at my answer and leaned me down slowly. We've been been staring at each other's eyes for a while but suddenly Hiro brought his lips into mine. I gasped and thought, 'Hiro is kissing the dancefloor?'. I smiled and returned the kiss by wrapping my arms around his neck. We've heard cheers on the background while having our romantic moment. He let go slowly and looked at me with his loving eyes. "I love you, (Y/N)", he said and kissed me again. I giggled into the kiss and we exchanged kisses after that. We've been doing this for a while but we let go for some air. We panted softly and I finally answered, "I love you too, Hiro. Hehehe". He smiled and gave me a big warm hug. When we looked at our friends, we saw them cheering as usual and clapping their hands then we were taken pictures by Honey Lemon. Both of us smiled and looked at each other for a moment then I noticed we are still at the middle of the dancefloor. "Oh-Oh! We're still in the dancefloor, Hiro! Maybe we should probably continue", I suggested. He smiled and answered, "Sure". He lean for another kiss before we continue slow dancing on the dancefloor.

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