Will You Be My Juilet?

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Request from @TheNewAvenger

Hope you like it~

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm walking to SFIT with my best friends namely Hiro, Gogo, Honey, Wasabi and Fred. Before that, actually they visited my house so all of us can walk together which is nice and it makes me feel happy on the inside. Anyhow while the six of us are going to school, we chatted about life, their superhero duty and school life, etc. Afterwards, we finally arrived at the school building and we were greeted by some students as usual. Then, all of us went inside the school building in a flash. When we got in, the school bell rang in a loud tone. I slightly covered my ears and Fred said, "Man...we made it just in time! Let's head to class guys!". All of us nodded in agreement and head to our own classrooms.


An hour has passed and we were waiting for the next teacher. All the students fixed their belongings and afterwards they chatted for a while. I, on the other hand, did the same thing and browsed my notes. We've been doing our usual thing like we always do and suddenly the door was open wide. It was none other than my good friend, Zoe, who is panting softly with a smile on her face. Everyone turned to her including Hiro and I then Zoe spoke, "Hey guys! I have some news from our Art professor". All of us looked at each other for a moment then back to Zoe. "She said that we are given a project...and all of us should participate", she said and all of us nodded. "So, what's our project exactly?", one of my classmates asked curiously. Zoe smiled and pushed the bridge of her glasses. She giggled and said, "We're gonna perform a Romeo and Juliet play!". Our eyes widened and all of us said, "A play? Are you serious?". "Yep! Oh gosh! This is so exciting!", Zoe said and squealed softly. To be honest, Zoe was someone I know who gets a little bit excited and that's what I like about her. Anyhow, I smiled and said, "A play, huh? That sound interesting". Hiro nodded in agreement and Zoe continued, "Anyhow, my fellow classmates! You see our professor made me in charge of this so that means I'll be the director and I will also be the one who will decided which role of each of you guys will have". All of us nodded in agreement and Zoe said, "Alright, let's get started everyone!". Everyone cheered and I thought, 'This is going to be fun'.


We finally got started of Zoe's plan on how to preform our first Romeo and Juliet play at SFIT. I never thought this would happened but it's She chose three assistants and afterwards the four of them began on choosing which student will be the particular character from Romeo and Juliet. It took like 20 minutes and finally some students have roles in the film but something was missing. We still need to find someone who can play as Romeo and Juilet. Zoe facepalmed and said, "Fiddlesticks! I almost forgotten about that. I should have started that first. Man, silly me". She examined at everyone and realized almost a half of the class doesn't have roles yet. I was one of those guys and Hiro also to be exact. I looked around for a bit and suddenly I heard someone who called my name, "(Y/N)!". I turned to see Zoe with a smile on her face and she's waving at me. I waved back and she walked towards me then she placed her hands on my desk. "Do you have a role yet?", she asked innocently. I formed some sweat on my forehead and quickly wiped it. "Well, not yet? Why?", I asked gently. Her smiled into a smirk and suddenly she pointed to me and said, "Well then, if that's the case. You are going to be playing the role of Juliet!". My eyes widened and I said, "Wha?". After my reaction, all of my classmates cheered and Zoe said, "Perfect! You're beautiful, smart and most of all your so adorable". She hugged me tightly and I was left silent for a moment. 'I'm playing as Juilet. Wait...if I'm playing as Juliet then I wonder who's gonna be Romeo', I thought and Zoe let me go. I sighed and shake my head slightly from what is happening. "So, are up for it, (Y/N)?", she asked just to be sure. I thought for a moment and finally I answered, "Alright, I'll do it". Her eyes sparkled and said, "Oh! Thank you! Thank you!". She hugged me once more and let go quickly. Zoe looked around the classrooms to find someone who can play Romeo. She scanned each boy and it took a few minutes to decide. Afterwards, she spotted someone and said, "Bingo". She looked at me with a smirk and that left me confused. 'Did she find someone already?', I thought and tilt my head from the side. "Romeo will be...", she said and made hand gestures like she's making a drumroll. I laughed softly and finally Zoe answered, "Hiro Hamada!". My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster in a split second when I heard his name. Now that I think about I'm pretty aware that my friend Zoe here knows my crush on Hiro. Maybe, that's why I was chosen so I can be close with Hiro. 'Is it just me...or is Zoe trying to play cupid or match maker here'. I blushed slightly and scratched the back of my neck softly. Zoe turned to me and said, "Hi (Y/N)! I choose Hiro to be playing as Romeo, isn't great?". I laughed slightly and said, "Haha...y-yeah great". She ruffled my head and I can see Hiro blushing a bit with a smile. I wondered why but I shrugged and Zoe said, "Alright, the rest will be extra characters! So, let's start practicing! I got the scripts and all of you should be aware of your lines, kay?". "Okay!", everyone answered and cheered in unison. I looked at Hiro for a moment and smiled. Hiro noticed that I'm staring at him and he gave me a small wave. I jumped slightly on his response and I just waved back. 'Well...this should be fun', I thought and sighed.


We've been practicing for a long time but we stopped when our next professor got inside the classroom. So, Zoe decided that we should continue during breaktime and after classes. Anyhow after all the classes we encountered, it's finally breaktime. Zoe let everyone in our class to eat at the cafeteria then right after we have to go back straight to the classroom for more practices.

Everyone were praciticing with confidence and we also added some singing here and there. Hiro and I are memorizing our lines on our script. When I'm near him, I tend to have butterflies on my stomach every time. I looked at Hiro for a moment and I went back reading my script. 'Okay...in this part...I'm walking here with Hiro-I mean Romeo' , I thought and shake my head slightly. Every time I read the script, I always read Romeo as Hiro for some reason and I can't stop. I sighed and continued. Hiro noticed my actions and asked with concern, "Are you okay, (Y/N)?". "Wha?", I said and looked at him. "Oh I'm alright!", I said and smiled brightly. He chuckled and said, "If you say so...if your not feeling good just tell me, kay?". I nodded and we continued memorizing the script.


It was school dismissal and Zoe assigned some actors and actresses to stay here and some to leave. Hiro and I were included to stay here because both of us are the lead characters of the play. Anyway, Hiro and I decided to go to the music room which is next door to practice our lines.

After reading some scripts, Hiro and I practiced for a bit. We practiced on how we met, communicate with each other in some scenes, and the best part the love scenes. Afterwards, we decided to take a break for a while cause' the script has so many lines. I got my water bottle from my bag and drank it. I wiped my forehead and said, "Man, that's a lot of lines". Hiro agreed and said, "Yeah...but let's try our best, kay?". I nodded happily and read some of the scripts that Hiro and I had. When I read some of it, I saw the part where Romeo and Juliet confessed their undying love to each other. I blushed and suddenly I imagined Hiro and I as Romeo and Juliet. Hiro is still drinking some water and noticed that I'm still reading the script. He decided to look what I was reading and started looking at the lines. Afterwards, he looked at me gently and smiled. Then, after my big imagination, I snap back to reality and shook my head slightly. When I'm done reading, I realized Hiro is looking at me and I was confused. "What is it, Hiro?", I asked. He didn't say anything but instead he brought his lips into mine softly while he held my cheek gently. My eyes widened a bit and thought, 'Wha?'. I tried to process what's happening then I decided to close my eyes and return the kiss. He let go slowly and confessed, "I love you, (Y/N)". My heart was beating faster when he said those three words and my name. I smiled widely and he said, "I've always liked you ever since we met although I don't know how to tell you". I nodded and finally replied, "I love you too, Hiro". His expression lighten up when I spoke my true feelings. "I had the same feelings as you do", I said and caressed his cheek. He giggled at my touch and gave me another loving kiss. I giggled back and returned the kiss. This time the kiss was a bit passionate and sweet at the same time like milk chocolate. We exchanged kisses and we held into each other. We giggled softly and he started kissing my cheeks, my forehead and lips over and over. Our moment was going so well but suddenly the door was burst open. Our eyes were snapped opened and we let go of each other. We turned to see none other than Zoe. She saw the positon that we are in and squeeled loudly. "You guys are so cute! Oh my gosh!", she said and held her cheeks. Both of us blushed brightly from embarassment and I pouted, "Zoe!". She giggled and said, "Okay! Okay! You guys continue what you are 'doing' and I'll be right there, kay?". We nodded with a smile and Zoe left the music room. I sighed and shook my head light. "Oh Zoe...", I said and laughed softly. Hiro just smiled at me and gave me a hug. I giggled and hugged back. "I love you, (Y/N). Will be my beautiful Juilet", he said and asked. I looked at him gently and replied, "Of course, Romeo". He smiled again and kissed my cheek. "Now that we are alone...shall we finish this moment of ours before we continue practicing?", he asked. I nodded in response and we leaned in for more kisses.

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