Ch. 12 - Sweaty Skin

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It was late now. Keishin and I had helped Ikkei to bed and now sat on the roof. Cigarette butts scattered the floor around us and an empty pizza box sat before us as we wordlessly stared at the stars.

"Did Gramps know you were going to UA?" He asked me softly. 

My phone buzzed. It was Shouta telling me he made either back and saying goodnight. I didn't answer and took another drag of my cigarette. "Yeah."

He nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

I shook my head. "I didn't want to see the look on your face when you found out I wasn't going to be here anymore."

"How well did that go for you?" He asked.

"Shut up." I muttered along with a shiver. "Can we go inside? It's getting cold." 

He silently agreed and we picked up the trash, disposing of it before we went back to the floor we lived on. It was only a two story building. Top story was the unit we all lived in and the bottom was the store. We went back to his-well OUR room I suppose. 

He sat at the end of the bed and I turned away from him and pulled off my pants. Growing up together and then dating for two years, I didn't even think twice about changing in the same room as him.

"Angel!" He exclaimed. 

I turned around, now only in my underwear and Aizawa's shirt. "What?"

His eyes were wide as he looked at my thighs. Ah. I forgot about the bruises Aizawa had left all over me.

"Who- what happened? Did someone hurt you?" He reached out and ran his fingers along a bite mark that was green as it started to fade away. 

"Oh, uh it was Shouta." I didn't know what else to say.

"I'll kill him." He gritted.

"No- Kei." I exhaled. "I- uh. It's okay, I wanted this."

"You wanted him to assault you?" Keishin stood up. 

"Keishin. No. We did a bit more than just… Masturbate. He touched me too, and got rough with me and… I promise he always asked if I was okay and I always said yes." This was the weirdest conversation ever.

He winced as he looked at my legs one last time. I turned away and took a pair of his gym shorts from his drawer and sat at the head of the bed awkwardly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Keishin… I promise. I wanted this and I still want this." I assured him.

He shook his head. "Do you want to have sex with him?"

The memory of me literally begging him to fuck me crossed my mind. "I don't know… I think so… Yeah. Yeah I do."

He chewed on his lip. "I thought that triggered trauma for you."

I sighed. "Yeah. I thought so too. But I've never been in a situation where I was able to actually say yes."

His eyes looked like I had just smacked him in the face. "Angel, you know I'd always respect your consent."

"Oh no- Kei." I felt so bad. "That's not what I meant. I trust you so much more than life itself. I just, didn't think that I liked it until now."

We sat in silence for a while. "I can't believe I'm losing you." He finally said. 

"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me dude." I tried to reach out to him but he pulled away.

"I just thought we'd come back together like we always do. But I don't think it's happening this time is it?" He spoke in a soft voice. "What is it that makes him better than me?"

Cigarettes || Aizawa x OC x Ukai - Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now