Ch. 17 - Second First

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The first thing I saw when I woke up was Shouta's silver eyes staring back at me.

"Good morning." I smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry." He muttered. "You're cute when you're asleep."

I smiled and buried my blushing face in his shirt.

"We need to talk." He said softly.

Oh god.

I pulled my head up and looked at him again. Where was this headed. "So you're, as Hizashi would say, A Shouta Simp?"

"I truly hate you." I hissed. I could just tell, my face was as red as a tomato.

He laughed and rolled onto his back, pulling me onto his chest. "I can't believe you had me as your wallpaper."

I groaned. "I still do."

Something wild in his eyes sparked. "Seriously?"

"I was a fangirl, that is until I met you! Then I found out you were an insufferable ashole."

He chuckled. "I do want to talk to you about something though."

"What is that?" I asked.

Shouta sighed like he was nervous. "It's been a month since I told you I wasn't ready for anything. While you were gone, I realized how miserable I was without you here."

"Shouta..." I started, unsure of what else to say.

He kissed me softly. "I want you, Airirozu. You being away felt wrong."

I didn't want to hear anything else. I panicked and kissed him.

He flipped us over so that he pinned me down. He kissed me again. "I've had something on my mind this entire week."

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Your friend, Keishin." He started. "He said something I thought was important. Whatever happened in your past, nothing counts unless you've consented. You know that right?"

"You heard him call me a virgin?" I laughed.

"He had a point, and I want to make sure you know that." He told me gently. "Its dumb but all week I kept thinking about when you come back, I wanted to be your first."

I bit my lip hard. "Shouta. Its my turn to talk."

He got off of me as I pushed him gently. I felt anxiety coursing through my veins. I didn't want to hurt him. "I... Keishin- I lost my 'virginity' to Keishin this week..."

I saw his heart drop, he tried to cover it up. But I saw it happen. "I'm happy someone so special to you was able to be your real first. He is lucky to have you. I didn't know, I apologize."

I shook my head. "Sho- no. We just slept together a few times. I told him, and I'm going to tell you the same... I don't want to be with anyone right now. Truthfully? He makes me feel safe, and he feels like home... but you also make me feel safe and you make me feel like home, is here."

"I get it." He replied.

"Are you upset?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Of course not. All I want is for you to be happy and protected. You mean a lot to me. I love you."

All my emotions hit me at once and I attacked him in a hug and all my tears came out at once.

"What- Princess- baby what happened? I'm so sorry, I don't want to make you cry." He panicked.

I shook my head and kissed him. "I love you too Shouta."

He smiled softly and kissed me again. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all week Kitten..."

Cigarettes || Aizawa x OC x Ukai - Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now