Ch. 22 - Life Support

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The unforgettable medical smell of a hospital woke me up. When I opened my eyes the lights were too bright and I cringed away from them. Beeping clouded my hearing and I slowly opened my eyes again, getting used to the fluorescent lights.

The first thing I saw was a cast on my leg, my hand in a brace, and wires all over the bed. Each one was attached to my body somewhere. I was so thirsty. 

Next to me was something I never thought I'd see. Keishin and Shouta sitting beside each other, both asleep and leaning on the other with their heads slumped together.

My boys. 

I felt an overwhelming calm wash over me knowing they were both here. 

Keishin twitched in his sleep causing Shouta to open his eyes. He exhaled before sitting upright, letting Keishin's sleeping head rest against his shoulder.

Shouta stared at my hospital bed absent-mindedly for a few seconds before his eyes wandered to my face where his gaze met mine. Immediately he sprang up and in one stride he was beside me, holding my hand with his. 

The sudden motion caused Keishin to nearly fall out of his chair. Startled, he opened his eyes and processed the scene in front of him. Realizing I was awake he too rushed to the opposite side of the bed. 


They both spoke at the same time. 

I winced. Sound was too much to handle.

I don't think either of them noticed because they kept talking.

"How are you feeling?" Keishin asked.

"Clearly not well." Shouta hissed at him.

"Dude shut the hell up." Keishin responded.

"Guys-" I tried to speak but my throat was so dry. Neither of them heard me try to speak.

"Can we not do this right now?" Shouta told Keishin.

"All I fucken did was ask if she was okay! You're being an ass!" Keishin replied. 

I tried to speak again but ended up coughing really hard, my throat was so dry.

"I'll get you water." Keishin told me quickly before leaving the room. 

"I'll tell a nurse you're up too." Shouta added. 

I was alone for a moment before they both walked back in. "Here's water." Keishin told me as he handed me a cup. 

Shouta's hand immediately went behind my back to help me sit up. "The nurse said she would be here in a minute."

I drank the entire cup of water, it was so cold and felt like magic against my tongue. "Why are you two so angry?" I asked assuming it was because of me.

"Dumbass tried to square up with Dabi of all people." Shouta informed me.

As I gaped at Keishin he rebutted. "And he ACTUALLY faced off against Dabi without waiting for backup!"

I turned my attention to Shouta in shock. 

"I am trained for this. I have a quirk I can use as defence, you don't." He argued.

"Jesus christ. Again with the quirkless shit! Its bastards like you that separated our society-" Keishin started.

"I don't discriminate against quirkless people, but as a licensed pro hero, it is my job to protect defenseless civilians like yourself." Shouta continued. 

"Oh so running in without backup is how you keep her safe? When they could have killed her right in front of you and made you watch?" Keishin raised his voice.

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