Ch. 13 - Phone Calls

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I was the first one awake in the morning. I woke up, our limbs together. tangled together. It was always like this. The first night, we were just two innocent kids. A young boy, hugging his crying friend. Trying to convince her to sleep. The first night I tried to sleep alone, I cried until he hugged me again. I never tried to sleep alone again after that.

In our early teen years when hormones started changing things and the meaning of sleeping together changed, his grandfather tried so hard to mase us sleep in seperate beds. Even going so far as to try bunk beds. Sleeping next to him was the only thing that made me feel safe. 

Neither of us ever had an easy time maintaining relationships because of our awful co dependency. I hardly ever went anywhere without him and he never once complained. I reached over and brushed his hair out of his face as a lasting memory replayed in my brain. 

We were out at the mall, laughing about some inside joke we had. His girlfriend at the time was with us. She stopped walking and yelled at me. She told me I was driving a wedge between them and she told me that he belonged to her, not me. He dumped her on the spot.

Similar situations happened with him too. Boyfriends of mine got jealous and tried to fight him. I tried to never let it get that far, but a couple times it did and he never lost a fight. I remember one night in the alley behind the house, a fight had just ended between him and my boyfriend at the time. Said boyfriend got into a fight wirh me about Keishin and hit me in the jaw. Keishin found out and met him in the alley behind our home after I tried to drag him away. The kid ended up on the floor with a bloody nose. Keishin had a black eye and a split lip. He stood above the guy and told him never to touch me again.

Being back here, in this room, it felt so natural. Being in his arms felt safe.

But it didn't feel right. 

The way I felt was more conflicted than I had ever felt in my life. Here I felt safe, loved and happy… But at UA- it was different. I was excited, and I felt important. I felt proud of myself. Aizawa only had minor ties to that.

I untangled myself from his arms and pulled on some shorts. I grabbed my phone and cigarettes before heading to the roof. First I checked on Ikkei who was still asleep. Up on the roof I sat with a freshly lit cigarette and checked my phone for the first time since Shouta had gotten back to campus. Jesus christ- 4 missed calls and 10 missed texts?

Missed call from Shouta

-call me.

Literal Cockatoo
-Are you alive? I saw Shouta drag you out and come back 6 HOURS LATER without you.

-Hey… I asked Shouta where you were and he didn't want to tell me. I'm worried about you, he said he'd prove you were fine and called you but you didn't answer… He's being shady as hell. Call me sweetie.

-dear god Nemuri and Hizashi are worried about you. Please call one of us. They think I killed you. 

Missed call from Mistress
Missed call from Literal Cockatoo

-i told them you're probably asleep.

-i don't want to tell them whats happening because it's your business to share, not mine. You should call them, they a tally think I killed you.

-let me know you're okay please? I'm worried.

Literal Cockatoo 
-Im tempted to call the police

-im sorry. I told them. They kept pressing me, they thought I actually murdered you. I told them to leave you alone. 

-good morning… are you okay?

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