Ch. 16 - Sharing Trauma

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There was so much noise. The rushing water from the hose, the sirens, men yelling and my mom screaming. I tried to run towards the building but a pair of arms lifted me out of the air. He tried to carry me away before the inevitable happened. I tried, so hard not to let him, I kicked and thrashed against him. I was a fraction of his size, it didn't matter what I did. He turned away from the burning building and I whipped my head around just in time to see it all collapse.

I bolted upright in bed covered in sweat and tears. I was shaking and it felt like I was going to throw up.

I will never forget the look on her face when we locked eyes as the floor gave out on her.

A light from my phone pulled me out of my thoughts. 

-Are you awake? It sounds like you’re crying.

-I’m awake.

-Why are you crying?

-I’m not. It's the TV.

-Is your door unlocked?

Before I could say no, the door opened anyway. “You really should lock your door at night.” Aizawa told me as he stood in the doorway..

“Why? I live on a campus of heroes.” I replied.

“Why are you crying?” He asked softly.

“Told you, it's the tv.” I whispered.

He pointed at the television, which was in fact off. “Wanna try again?”

“So i’m expected to talk about my nightmares, but you’re not?” I snapped at him. 

“Ouch.” He replied blandly. He didn't leave, and just continued to stand in the doorway. “Do you want me to leave you alone?”

I wanted to say no. “Please.”

“You sure?” he confirmed

I took a slow breath. “No…”

Aizawa shut the door behind him before he came and sat beside me. “You don't have to talk about it. I just want to make sure you're okay.”

“Like I told you before. Up until now, I’ve never slept alone. This past week I guess I got too used to sharing a bed with Keishin again.” I hugged my knees to my chest.

“Do you want to tell me what the nightmare was about?” He asked.

“My childhood.” I told him. Then a thought passed through my mind. “Shouta, what was your childhood like?”

“I try not to talk about it.” He replied honestly.

Now I was curious. “I’ll tell you about mine if you tell me about yours…”

“Airi…” He sighed.

“No, its fine i won't push. Just thought i’d try.”

“C’mere.” He patted next to himself. I thought about declining but a hug sounded blissful at that moment. We moved so that we laid beside each other, our legs tangled together and arms wrapped around each other. His chin rested atop my head and my chest rested against his chest. “You tell me about yours first.”

I sat in silence for a while, trying to muster the courage to talk. Nobody except Keishin knew much about my life. "My mom was really young when she had me. Like 16. She had really big dreams of becoming a nurse before she got raped by a teacher and got pregnant with me. I don't know why she decided to keep me, different times I guess. But her parents kicked her out and she had to raise me on her own and she gave up all her dreams to raise me. She always told me she'd do it all over again because she loved me so much…"

Cigarettes || Aizawa x OC x Ukai - Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now