Ch. 19 - Two Halves

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In the morning I woke up alone.

I sat up and saw a note on the pillow beside me

'Rozu- My agency apparently made a huge break in some cases today and asked me to come to the office. Sorry for leaving but I didn't want to wake you. Will be back tonight, text me if you need me. My phone will be on all day. Feel free to stay. I love you. -Shouta'

I picked up my phone to text Shouta. 

-I love you too.

Then I noticed I missed a text from earlier that morning. Attached with it was a picture that made my hair stand on end

-who is this?

-listen, I found this today and I remember it meant a lot to you.

-who is this???

-I just remembered how much you cried when you lost it. It was in some of my shit. Thought you might want it.

-god damn it who the fuck is this

-c'mon now little mouse.

I immediately heaved. I felt my scars start to itch and the room started spinning around me.

-delete my number. 

-I'm not trying to start anything here. I'll throw it away if you want. 

I chewed my lip and stared at the picture. It was the last thing that I had from my mother aside from pictures. A gold necklace with two pieces of a heart. She used to wear half and I wore the other half. The coroner was able to sneak it off of what remained of her and gave it to me. I wore both pieces of the heart ever since then. It was the only thing other than me to survive the fire.

-listen. I'm leaving it at my old place. I'm moving somewhere new, the area isn't good for me anymore. You know where the spare key is. I'm leaving in the next few minutes. If you want it come get it, I'll be gone. Otherwise the next person to squat here can have it. I really don't care. 


-don't say I never did anything nice for you.

I ran into my room and got dressed. Afterwards I went back to Shouta's room to lock the door. I eyed his jacket on the bed and decided to put it on, also tucking the note he had written into my pocket.

I had walked 20 minutes away from UA before I stopped myself to think this over. 

"I should call Keishin."

No. Don't do that. He'll tell me not to go, and we'll argue and things are so good between us right now.

"Okay, call Shouta."

No- he's busy and I know he absolutely wouldn't let me go alone if at all.

"Call the police."

Oh yeah Hi hello officer? I'm a teacher at UA, I used to date one of the most wanted criminals in Japan and he left a necklace my mom used to own, can you go get it for me? 

Are you kidding I would lose my job, be called an accomplice AND the necklace would be kept as evidence. 

Do I need to have it? I lived without it this long… But remember how much it hurt when you lost it? And did you ever really get over losing it or did you just learn how to forget about it?

Well he said he was leaving right? He's just trying to help me out. When I lost it he did hold me and attempted to console me… It's not his fault he is the way he is, maybe in his mind he was trying to be a good boyfriend to me those years ago, and now he's just trying to help me out?

I took a sharp breath and kept walking. I had a bus to catch, I made my decision. 

What was usually a 2 hour car ride turned into a 4 hour bus ride. His old apartment was about an hour outside of the city I grew up in and 2 away from UA.

Before me stood the old apartment complex Dabi had once lived in. I couldn't begin to count how many times I had gone up the three steps that led to the door… Running in excited to see him, storming in pissed off about something, him carrying me in because I was drunk? 

The area was run down and dirty. Nearly everything was abandoned, it became kind of a sanctuary to homeless and criminals. Little to no crime occurred, it was an unspoken law they enforced upon themselves to keep the peace. 

I pushed my thoughts aside and walked up the steps. First floor, apartment all the way to the back on the left… I walked in and swallowed hard as memories flooded into my brain. It looked exactly the same as last time I was here.

I walked over to the kitchen with the table with char marks on it. In the middle of the table was my necklace. Excitedly I put it on, it felt like finally a piece of me was back and I felt good. 

When I turned around to leave that's when things got ficked up. 

The door I had previously walked in disintegrated and in came a man with dry skin, red eyes and blue hair.


A young girl, probably the age of my students. She giggled and held a knife. 


And him. He looked bored. For a moment I thought I saw his eyes glaze over in excitement, but I had to have been wrong. 

I tried to run out but a blue flame circled around me and the blonde ran straight at me. She grabbed me from behind and made a small cut in my neck. She giggled as she licked the blood straight from my skin. 

The blue haired one wrapped his fingers around my throat, leaving his pinky up. "So we finally meet Airirozu." He smiled 

The last thing I saw was Dabi's fist coming down across my face, rendering me unconscious.

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