Ch. 20 - Embracing Death

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I woke up and my mouth tasted like blood.

I sat up slowly hoping everything that had happened was just some kind of fucked nightmare, but I realized it wasn't when I didn't recognize where I was. My jaw was throbbing in pain.

Quickly I tried to pull my phone from my pocket and dial 911. I saw over 50 missed calls on my phone from a combination of Keishin and Shouta. They know I'm missing.

"Good luck getting a call out..." a voice emerged behind me.

I screamed and my phone fell from my hands onto the floor. As I scrambled to pick it up, Dabi emerged from a shadow.

My phone was in several pieces scattered across the floor, even if I found them all I don't think it would have worked again. "Didn't mean to scare you." He told me softly.

I tried to scoot back away from him, shoving myself into the corner of the room and leaving myself nowhere to go. "What the fuck do you want?"

I felt feathers pricking my upper arms as anxiety coursed through my veins like ice. He crouched in front of me and plucked a feather from my arms, burning it between his fingers. "I need you to know that I didn't want to do this."

I flinched away from him.

"After we broke up, I planned to leave you alone and let you live your life. But Shigaraki found out my connections to the new UA teacher..." He continued to pull fathers from my skin. I cried out with each pluck and flinched at each flame.

"Please leave me alone, I just want to go back home!" I tried to kick at him but he was just out of my reach.

"I'm sorry... Tomura promised that you could go once we got a hold of All Might." He spoke to me with a surprising gentleness.

"I just want to go home!" I cried deliriously.

He sighed in annoyance and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. I tried to stand up but immediately lost consciousness. As I hit the floor I realized I had forgotten to take my medicine before I left.

In my unconsciousness a nightmare took over my mind, as if I weren't already living in a nightmare all on my own. This one was new, a nightmare I had never had before.

I was back in the old apartment complex of Dabi's and it was on fire. Every corner I turned, blue flames followed me.

"I'm going to get you, little mouse." His voice sounded like he was right behind me but every time I looked back he wasn't there.

Keishin. I needed to find Keishin. He was here, and he was quirkless and alone. I belly crawled under the thick smoke, checking every room.

Finally I found him in the hallway. He was unconscious and surrounded by flames. I tried to get to him but the flames burned at my face before creating a wall of fire keeping us separated.

I woke up to a sharp pain across my face. I found Dabi hovering above me. "Still have fainting issues?" He asked.

Frightened, I pushed myself away but nodded in response. I was surprised he remembered.

He got up and sat on the bed. "I don't know why you're so scared of me. I told you we were gonna let you go Little Mouse." Did he seriously not understand?

"I just want to go home..." I whispered.

I tried not to look at him as I shivered in the corner of the room it was so fucking cold. "If you're cold there are blankets. But you gotta come up here if you want them." He told me

I stared at the blankets on the bed. They looked old and tattered but warm nonetheless... I really didn't want to be near him and I felt so weak... But I was so cold. Slowly I stood up but as soon as I did I felt my consciousness rip away from me.

Cigarettes || Aizawa x OC x Ukai - Crossover FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon